What makes all these beautiful French people run? – Independent Congo

by time news
Gaston Mutamba Permission

For the past few months, our country, coveted by all neighboring countries and China, has been “spoiled” by visits from a few French personalities. There was in quick succession the hike of former President François Hollande for the inauguration, on September 27, 2022, of a new department at Dr Mukwege’s hospital, the official trip, on March 3 and 4, of President Emmanuel Macron whose apotheosis was his journey to Bandalungwa where he teased a bottle of Castel beer. Don’t we say that Bandal is Paris? There was after the excursion for peace, on March 20 and 21, of former Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin.

Finally arrived, on March 22 and 23, former President Nicolas Sarkozy, who had defeated Muammar Gaddafi and Laurent Gbagbo in 2011. Stupor and tremors! Saperlipopette, these handsome gentlemen never do anything for nothing! Would the country be in danger? To arms, citizens! So what did he come to do? Wasn’t Sarkozy muttering at the time that we had to ensure the future of Rwanda at our expense, a country with dynamic demography and a small area, whereas the Congo is a country with an immense area and to the strange organization of border wealth. Therefore, at some point or another, there must be structural dialogue between the two countries and sharing of space and wealth. Stupor and tremors! My friend who has gone mad cried out that day: What am I learning?

Some even affirmed with tremolos in the voice that Sarkozy would have come to plead the cause of Edouard Mwangachuchu Hizi. Holy shit! According to my friend who knows what’s going on in every nook and cranny of rundown Kinshasa, Sarkozy came to defend the interests of a French sports betting company and facilitate a meeting between Fatshi and Kagame. Hell and damnation! Anyway next!

From left to right: Fatshi and Sarko

According to my know-it-all friend, the final report of the UN Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo of December 10, 2008, stated this about Mwangachuchu: “The Group visited the field in Rubaya, a town a few kilometers from the Bibatama coltan mine in Masisi territory, where it learned from a local administrator that the mining police, having won at the CNDP, closely monitored production. The mine itself had been the site of several clashes in recent years, the most recent taking place in 2006 and 2007 when the CNDP contested control of it with the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) and the Coalition of Congolese Resistance Patriots (PARECO) and ended up winning. Edouard Mwangachuchu, national senator, obtained authorization to operate the mine in 2001. He exports coltan through MH1, his trading post. MH1 produced 13.5 tons of coltan between January and May 2008. According to him, he is forced to accept the presence of the CNDP and continue to operate the Bitatama mine because he needs the money to pay the 16,000 dollars in taxes it owes to the Government. Sources in the mining industry say General Nkunda allowed him to keep the concession in exchange for a percentage of production. Mr. Mwangachuchu himself told the Group that he pays $0.20 per kilo of coltan exported past checkpoints in the vicinity of the mine, which he suspects are linked to the CNDP. According to interviews the Group has had with sources in the mining industry and a MONUC report, a land dispute has arisen between Mr. Mwangachuchu and Bayose Senkoke, a local businessman. The CNDP sided with Mr. Senkoke…” This explaining that, we must let military justice do its job.

It is said in our country that “if the ram tends to move back, it should not be believed that it is because it is cowardly”.

Gaston Mutamba Permission



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