What place does Mexico occupy in the world ranking of diabetes?

by time news

2023-11-07 22:02:04

According to data from the International Diabetes Federation (FID), in 2019, Mexico ranked sixth in the ranking of countries with the highest number of cases of diabetes. diabetes Worldwide. Specifically, there were 12.8 million Mexicans with this disease, surpassed only by China, India, the United States, Pakistan and Brazil.

If current trends continue, it is estimated that by 2030, more than 17 million people will have diabetes in the country, a figure that is expected to grow to 22.3 million by 2045.

What is the diabetes?

Diabetes is considered a multifactorial metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia (which translates into increased blood sugar) and, being a chronic degenerative disease, its prevalence increases with age.

Furthermore, lately, there are more and more cases in young people, whose age is around 20 years old. It can be stated that diabetes is a comorbidity (simultaneous occurrence of two or more diseases in the same person) associated with COVID-19 and that it accentuates its mortality, which has made it become a public health problem worldwide. .

There are non-modifiable risk factors for suffering from it

Although patients with diabetes are not more likely to contract COVID-19 than the rest of the population, they are at risk of suffering from more serious complications in case of infection, since when a diabetic person develops viral infections and these become difficult to treat because their immune system is weakened.

There are non-modifiable risk factors for developing diabetes (such as genetics), there are others that can be changed, among which are the consumption of high-calorie and high-salt diets, being overweight, being sedentary, poor sleep hygiene and stress.

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