what plants are used and how it works

by time news

2023-08-07 13:00:08

100 percent vegetable hair coloring is in fashion. In this natural technique, only fruits, plants and roots are used without any artificial chemical component, according to biocolorist Ismael De Felipe, an expert in this hairdressing specialty that is beneficial for hair and respectful of the environment.

These vegetable ingredients, which come mainly from India, Pakistan and countries in the Middle East, are crushed as mud and mixed with hot and distilled wateras De Felipe explains.

For the most part, these compounds are part of Ayurvedic medicine or Ayurveda, the ancient traditional medical system originating in India that seeks to cleanse the body and restore the balance between the body, mind and spirit, using diet regimens, herbal medicines, exercises, meditation, physiotherapy and other methods.

When these vegetable compounds mixed with water are applied to the hair, they act at the cuticle level (the most superficial layer of the hair), creating a film that adheres like a varnish to the keratin (a protein that constitutes the fundamental part of the outermost layers of the hair). hair and that gives it its resistance and hardness).

“The application of pigmentary muds based on plants and roots is requested by a growing number of women in hairdressing salons, with quite remarkable and evident results in white and light hair, achieving full coverage of gray hair, even permanently. ”, as De Felipe explains.


He explains that in this procedure “up to fourteen pigment plants are used, varying the exposure times to the vegetable sludge and its temperature and using different techniques such as the so-called ‘double phase’, which offers a wide range of possibilities, to be able to adapt it to each person and personalize each colour”, points out this hairdresser.

“The main plants used in plant coloring are cassia, lawsonia or henna, indigo and amla, along with other Ayurvedic plants such as neem or brahmi,” he points out.

Vegetable coloring, a natural and ecological treatment. (Free Press Photo: Le Clan Esthétique-Ismael De Felipe Peluqueros)

“Its properties make the mixture optimal for treating scalp problems such as dandruff, excess oil or hair loss, and they also help to strengthen the hair itself, giving it a lot of shine and more volume,” he says.

De Felipe describes below how some of the plants most used in vegetable coloring benefit hair:

Chamomile, medicinal plant with capillary benefits. (Free Press Photo: Le Clan Esthétique-Ismael De Felipe Peluqueros)

CASSIA – Helps strengthen hair and provides nutrients, vitamins and minerals. With a structure similar to keratin, its leaves are crushed, serving as a natural conditioner.

LAWSONIA – Also called henna, the powder resulting from its small white flowers with a deep scent, is used in the Middle East, South Asia and North Africa, to dye hair, which it benefits when it is dehydrated and damaged.

NEEM – Its powder in the form of mud is widely used in India, to give hair greater volume and strengthen it; it also has healing and hygienic properties for the scalp.

INDIGO – An intense black color is obtained from its pigments that nourishes the hair, counteracts orange, yellowish and whitish tones and nuances the color, providing uniformity and protecting the hair fiber.

AMLA – Rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, this powdered vegetable compound helps to strengthen and revitalize hair, also fighting the appearance of gray hair.

BRAHMI – Activates and enhances hair growth, improves dandruff problems and enhances natural melanin, being ideal for the most fragile hair and for repairing split ends.


Regarding the coloring process, De Felipe points out that “first a diagnosis of the person’s hair is made, observing what percentage of their hair is white (“it is not the same to have 10% as 80% gray hair”), with base on which some coloring effects or others will be achieved.

Plants caress our hair and give it health. (Free Press Photo: Le Clan Esthétique-Ismael De Felipe Peluqueros)

“Depending on this, the mixture is made, depending on whether we want a varnish effect or a more powerful coverage,” he points out, noting that “the coverage of gray hair is complete, since the plants act mainly on white hair.”

“Hair, which is not white, will maintain its color, but acquiring a slight shade and much more shine, which allows for incredible nuances depending on the implantation of gray hair in each person”, concludes this renowned hairdresser and stylist.

#plants #works

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