what political consequences after the triggering of 49.3 by the government? Find the answers of our journalist to your questions

by time news

Towards an examination of motions of censure Monday at 4 p.m. in the Assembly

when will the vote for the motion of censure take place?


When will the motions of censure be voted on?


When is the vote on the motion scheduled?

Angry Citizen

Goodnight all. Many of you have asked us the question, and we finally have a more specific answer to give you than the mere fact that discussions, followed by votes, must take place no later than the third sitting day following the expiry of the constitutional deadline forty-eight hours following the filing of the motion – i.e. between Monday and next Wednesday.

The two motions of censure against the government tabled today should thus be examined Monday from 4 p.m. by the deputies, several parliamentary sources told Agence France-Presse. This, subject to validation just before the meeting by the Conference of Presidents of the Assembly, which meets Monday at 3:30 p.m. to validate the agenda.

In response to 49.3 drawn by the executive to have the pension reform adopted without a vote, the deputies of the independent group LIOT tabled a motion of censure in the government at the beginning of the afternoon, voluntarily baptized « transpartisane » car co-signed by elected members of the left-wing Nupes coalition. The elected officials of the RN did the same, a few moments later, while recalling that, for their part, they would also vote for the first motion.

As a reminder, to bring down the government, a motion of censure must obtain an absolute majority in the National Assembly, i.e. 287 votes in the current state of the benches of the hemicycle.. Which, according to the calculations, would require in particular that around thirty LR deputies (out of 61) vote for the motion, a hypothesis which seems, as it stands, improbable, despite the existing slingshot within the ranks of the right. The Nupes alliance has a total of 149 deputies, the RN 88 and LIOT 20.

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