What psoriasis sufferers are asking today – time.news

by time news
from Health editorial staff

Much progress has been made in the treatment of this disease in recent years. However, there are still some needs that have not yet been fully satisfied, including in terms of management and assistance

Friday 8 October at 3.00 pm by connecting to time.news you will be able to watch the meeting in streaming video What psoriasis sufferers are asking today. Psoriasis is one of the diseases for which the greatest progress has been made in recent years both in terms of its treatment and its knowledge. However, several open problems remain. Some concern the effectiveness of the treatments, at least in relation to the time factor, others insist on the management of the therapy from the point of view of assistance since psoriasis is internationally recognized as a chronic disease but in Italy it is not included in the chronicity plan. We will talk about it with Tonino Aceti, President of SalutEquit; Valeria Corazza President of APIAFCO; Francesco Cusano, president of Adoi; Ketty Peris President of SIDeMaST

September 29, 2021 (change September 29, 2021 | 12:22)

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