what really happened – time.news

by time news

2023-11-15 09:13:55

by Gabriele Bronzetti

In addition to certain cases of myocarditis and pericarditis from Covid 19, there have been suspected cases of cardiac involvement after the vaccine. But there are no studies that have demonstrated an incontrovertible cause-effect relationship between vaccination and cardiac inflammation.

Among the infinite topics brought about by the Covid 19 pandemic, that of fake vaccine-induced pericarditis has been inexplicably overlooked. This was a sensational oversight that should not be repeated now, at the beginning of a vaccination campaign that started too quietly, under penalty of serious repercussions. For one thing, in France the State has just reimbursed patients who declared they had had vaccine-induced pericarditis or myocarditis, a precedent that could amplify, putting the foundations of the vaccination institution at risk. Now it is important to clarify what is meant by false pericarditis and this cannot be done without a refresher in medicine.

What is myocarditis

Myocarditis is the inflammation of the heart muscle almost always caused by viruses, not by a simple direct attack, but by a complex interaction between virus-heart-immune system which explains how the same virus is harmless in some and lethal in others; suffice it to say that fulminant myocarditis affects healthy young people more than frail elderly people. Myocarditis may be accompanied by pericarditis, myo-pericarditis.

Pericarditis, what it is and symptoms

Pericarditis is the inflammation of the pericardium, the underwear of the heart made up of two thin and transparent layers like cling film with a serous liquid inside, similar to the pleurae of the lungs. The pericardium has a protective and lubricating action and the serum between the two films is in stable quantity thanks to a physiological turnover, which can pathologically increase during inflammation, namely pericarditis.
The diagnosis of pericarditis is not simple and is made up of clinical, laboratory and instrumental signs: specific chest pain, increased levels of inflammation and cardiac markers in the blood, electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormalities and abnormal pericardial fluid on the echocardiogram.

What happened during the pandemic

What happened during the pandemic? In addition to certain cases of myocarditis and pericarditis from Covid 19, cases of cardiac involvement have been suspected after the anti-Covid vaccine, although to a much lesser extent and with a benign course. However, in the widespread vaccination panic, it was enough to create a kind of pericarditephobia: it was feared like Covid intubation. Now, sad to admit that cardiologists have not stemmed the tide of collective hysteria. Faced with those who presented themselves in the emergency room with chest pain after the vaccine, the inevitable echocardiogram which found minimal pericardial fluid – the physiological one – was very often reported as pericarditis, in a way that was, to say the least, cursory: without signs of inflammation, without Ecg alterations. As a result, over the last three years I have found myself, like many of my colleagues, refuting dozens of diagnoses of non-existent pericarditis that were now too late. No one will convince these patients that they were not victims of the vaccine. This is why we talked about “false pericarditis”.

Inevitable cases among the hundreds of thousands of vaccinated

It is useful to remember that during a mass vaccination concentrated over time it is almost impossible to demonstrate a cause-effect relationship between the vaccine and subsequent events. Coincidence exists, as an example of statistics explains: in summer it is normal for ice cream consumption and drowning deaths to increase without any cause-effect relationship; the two peaks overlap, suggesting to the unwary a link between the two phenomena.
Heart attacks, strokes, embolisms and so on have an impact, as do myocarditis and pericarditis, while we do a lot of other things. Whoever has to get sick will get sick.
It is therefore inevitable that among the hundreds of thousands of people vaccinated in a short period of time, in the following days someone will get sick as they would get even without a shot in the deltoid. In fact, there are no studies that have incontrovertibly demonstrated a cause-effect relationship between Covid vaccination and heart inflammation. Those with a weak correlation were affected by methodological flaws, the so-called biases, the same ones that would lead one to suspect a prevalence of pericarditis among those who eat the “Buffala” pizza compared to those who choose the “Margherita” pizza.

Mortality due to neglected tumors and heart disease has increased

We never tire of repeating that, while the causal role of the vaccine in the countless feared pathologies remains to be demonstrated, it is certain that during the pandemic, mortality from tumors and neglected heart diseases has increased due to the resources attracted by Covid patients, especially the unvaccinated. requiring the most expensive treatments. However, exceptions exist.
During anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination there have been cases of thrombosis in atypical sites (cerebral venous sinuses and/or splanchnic district) associated with thrombocytopenia with serious outcomes up to death. In particular, viral vector vaccines have been implicated. The case of false pericarditis should serve as a warning to everyone. Mistaking fireflies for lanterns was not the most commendable figure, even if, at the expense of the cardiologists, one can recognize that they acted in the urgency of a dark time.

Gabriele Bronzetti Head of the Cardio-Paediatrics Departmental Program, Pediatric and Developmental Cardiology Operational Unit, Center for Adult Congenital Heart Diseases, Cardio-Thoraco-Vascular Department, Policlinico Sant’Orsola – IRCCS University Hospital of Bologna

November 15, 2023 (modified November 15, 2023 | 08:13)

#happened #time.news

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