What risks does volcanic ash cause to the health of Mexicans?

by time news

In September of last year, an alert was launched in Mexico regarding the possible fall of volcanic ash in the city halls of Mexico City. But, do you know what are the risks that this causes in health? The first thing that must be understood is that volcanic ash affects general well-being since they are particles produced by the fragmentation of rocks during eruptions.

The health effects of volcanic ash can go unnoticed and last for a long time, so it is convenient to know what the forms of affectation are. This type of ash can be inhaled in the environment, so it is convenient to use a face mask. In addition, it can be consumed through contaminated food and water. Likewise, the affectations can derive from direct contact through touch.

Gastrointestinal disorders are the most common derived from volcanic ash

Among the most important risks due to exposure to ash from volcanoes, the following can be highlighted:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Irritative conjunctivitis or abrasions to the cornea.
  • Acute irritation of eyes and respiratory tract.
  • Severe forms of respiratory exhaustion.
  • Power to develop obstructive diseases.
  • Pre-existing hypersecretion of mucus.

Eyes and throat should be cleaned with clean water.

For its part, the Secretariat for Comprehensive Risk Management and Civil Protection (SGIRPC) of Mexico City indicated that, during the afternoon, an exhalation of ash was recorded from the Popocatépetl volcano that dispersed to the Northwest. In addition, he warned about the possibility of volcanic ash falling in all the demarcations of Mexico City.

In order to avoid the effects of volcanic ash, some tips that can be followed are:

  • Clean eyes and throat with pure water.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or face mask.
  • Wear frame lenses and avoid contacts to reduce eye irritation.

And you, did you know about these effects that volcanic ash can have on health and some of the things you can do to avoid this damage?

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