What season am I according to my skin?

by time news

2023-05-18 22:09:48

If you are a fan of looking radiant every day, then this information interests you because you will know how can you identify the season you are based on your skin.

Surely you have heard on some occasion that each and every one of us has a skin station that helps us identify the colors that match our fur.

Although many people believe that this is not so relevant, you should know that it is, because if you choose well you will know which colors give life to your face and thus you will be able to choose the best outfits for you.

How to know if your skin is warm or cold?

The experts in skin seasons reveal that a way to know if our skin is warm o cold is that you pay attention to your veins.

That’s right, when we look at the color of our forearm veins we will detect that if they look blue it means that your skin has a cold tone.

Photo: iStock

While if you detect that your veins are green, this will reveal that your skin tone is warm.

Remember that it is not only how you dress, the colors you use or the type of season that is your skinbecause it is also essential to take care of our skin and stay healthy, so here we share some tips for your care.

How to take care of the skin?

He Mayo Clinic Medical Institute recommends following at least 5 important steps in order to maintain our fur healthy, remembering that it will help us avoid aging and therefore we will make it look more radiant than ever.

  • take care of the sun
  • cigarette farewell
  • treat her gently
  • Healthy food
  • control stress

Photo: iStock

How to know if my skin is autumn?

In the seasons of the fur We find some variables such as light, temperature and chroma, likewise, we must detect our hue that is divided into four seasons chromatic What are they:

  • Primavera
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter

To identify which station you belong to, identify some characteristics, including skin tone and if it is yellow it means that it belongs to the autumn y primavera.

In addition, you should also analyze if your hair is blonde with reddish or brown tones combined with warm green or brown eyes, surely your season is the autumn.

Remember that in this season the tones of the brunettestan, light and peach, so you must identify it in detail.

Photo: iStock

What hair color suits warm skin?

Los skin tones warm can use warm hair colors, so we recommend you try gold, bronze and copper colors, you will surely love the result.

Remember that to know the season to which you belong according to your skin, you can also analyze it with the support of a fashion expert and do not be afraid of changes, you will look incredible.

Since we have shared which station you are according to your tone of furThe following recommendations will surely help you:

#season #skin

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