What should we take into account when buying a second-hand apartment Healthy Housing

by time news

Today the second-hand buying and selling market is booming, but it is more advisable to study the home carefully before making any decision and take possible surprises once purchased. We give you some tips to keep in mind to ensure a perfect purchase.

Buying a home is one of the most important decisions in anyone’s life. For many, second-hand houses have become the best option, either because its price is usually more competitive than new-build housing and/or because the real estate offer is broaderespecially in the center of cities.

And precisely because it involves a large outlay, you have to be extremely careful when investing and be aware of many details. From Vivienda Saludable we recommend a series of guidelines if you are thinking of buying a second-hand house:

Plan your finances

Analyze with details all the expenses and all the income that you havesince this will allow us to know what our current financial status is, what real budget we have and how much is left to reach our goal.

Don’t forget to allocate a part of the budget to those extra expenses that always arise and that, in the case of second-hand homes, we are exposed to them being greater (damages, breakages, etc.). And, if you are thinking of reforming the home -something very common in second-hand houses- include that item in your total budget.

Get to know the neighborhood and its inhabitants

It is advisable to visit the area where the house is located in different times of the day, night or weekend. So you will know the environment and you can make a clear idea of ​​the neighborhood. You can even take the opportunity to introduce yourself to your future neighbors and ask any questions that may arise.

Check the state of the house in detail

Whenever you visit a flat take your time and check absolutely everything: the state of the cabinets and their drawers, if all the taps work correctly and what pressure they have or if they leak, if they open and close correctly the Windows and the doors. Nor should you forget about pipes or everything related to the electrical system. In other words, open and close faucets and turn lights on and off in the house.

Check if you have natural light

Although the experts assure that with a reform you can gain luminosity and spaciousness, the truth is that having natural light is essential. That’s why it’s important to see the second-hand house with natural light and, if possible, at different times of the day. In this line, it is important that it also have large windows that, in addition to good insulation, allow you to take advantage of the full potential of sunlight.

Check the orientation of the house

It is often said that the best orientations for a house are to the south and to the east. And it is that a brighter and warmer house influences a greater or lesser cost in electricity and heating. In line with the latter, investigate what type of heating is in the apartment: electric, heat pump, central or individual. What’s more, if the house has good insulation and does not let the cold or heat escape, it will be a great economic savings.

Check the state of the building

Although it is a point that must also be take into account when it comes to new constructionIt is worth remembering that it is convenient to know the age of the property, the useful meters, the state of the plumbing and electricity system, the floor, possible humidity, insulation… Everything counts to analyze the real state and know the disbursement that the repairs or reforms of the house will entail. Do not forget the common areas either: parking space, swimming pool, storage room, recreation or games areas, sports facilities, etc.

Check property charges and debts

In the Property Registry you can request a Simple Note to verify who owns the home and if there are associated charges such as a mortgage. On the other hand, it is convenient to check if the house is up to date with the payments of the community and if there is any scheduled spill, a data that will be provided to us in the Community of Owners.

Take into account the unavoidable expenses

When buying a second-hand home, you do not have to pay VAT. Instead, you have to face the payment of the Property Transfer Tax (ITP), which depends on each autonomous community. The ITP must be paid by the buyer, who must present the self-assessment form 600 at the Treasury office where the home is located. You will have a period of 30 days from the signing of the deed of sale.

In short, it is a question of taking all the time that is necessary to check how the house is and being prepared for all the improvements that it needs.

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