2024-07-22 22:17:16
“The frequent companion of summer is heat, so it is normal that we sweat more during this period, because in this way we cool our body, regulate its temperature and protect ourselves from overheating.” However, with sweat, we also lose vital microelements and water-soluble vitamins: mainly sodium and chlorine, a little less potassium, magnesium, calcium, other microelements, group B and C vitamins”, says I. Evaltaitė-Budvytienė.
How are these trace elements important for the human body?
Micronutrients and vitamins are irreplaceable participants in the processes taking place in our bodies, helping to support most of the body’s functions:
– sodium regulates water metabolism in the body, maintains osmotic pressure, is important for muscle contraction, nervous system activity and acid-base balance;
– chlorine regulates and maintains the balance of water, salt and body acids and alkalis;
– potassium helps maintain normal blood pressure, nervous system activity and muscle function;
– magnesium has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, nourishes nerve cells, helps prevent depressive mood, reduces stress and allergic reactions;
– calcium participates in the blood coagulation process, is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, the heart, muscles and the use of iron;
– Vitamins of the B group ensure the proper functioning of the central nervous system and strengthen immunity, and each of them individually contributes to the smooth functioning of the body’s systems and organs;
– vitamin C helps to maintain normal collagen levels, is useful for energy metabolism, nervous and immune system activity and improves iron absorption.
How to recognize that the body lacks trace elements?
According to I. Evaltaitė-Budvytiene, if the balance of microelements is disturbed, symptoms such as general weakness, fatigue, nausea or headache may appear. Muscle spasms or twitches, pulse increases, blood pressure rises or falls, diarrhea or constipation often occur.
If the balance of microelements is not restored, heart work, kidney activity, maintenance of water balance, nerve and muscle functions may be disturbed, cramps are often experienced, so the whole body feels its consequences. This condition is especially dangerous for children and the elderly, as well as for people with chronic diseases.
“After recognizing the above-mentioned symptoms, it is useful to consult your family doctor and carry out the microelement tests prescribed by him. Various supplements should be used only when it is known that they are lacking, because an overdose is as dangerous as a deficiency, so it is very important not to arbitrarily use micronutrient supplements, especially potassium – its excess can even cause a threat to life,” says the family doctor.
It is worth noting that micronutrients and vitamins are best absorbed with food. Of course, if you need supplements, you must remember that many factors affect their absorption, for example, the pharmaceutical form of the supplement – liquids are easier to absorb. The state of a person’s health is also significant, and existing chronic diseases, such as stomach or intestinal diseases, can interfere with the absorption of trace elements.
How to ensure that there is no shortage of trace elements in the summer?
In order to be able to ensure the supply of necessary trace elements and vitamins during the hot season, you should carry a drinking bottle with you and remember to drink water regularly. It is better to choose mineral water, and use coffee, green tea and other liquids that promote the loss of water and trace elements in moderation. It is also important not to forget to choose the most complete diet possible.
“It is easy to restore sodium and chlorine by eating salty food, but it is important to note that excessive salt intake puts pressure on the body and harms the body. Potassium is rich in dried fruits, especially raisins, white beans, bananas, avocados, pomegranates, potatoes and beets. In order to replenish magnesium reserves, it is useful to choose nuts and seeds, fatty fish, soybeans, avocados, bananas, dark chocolate and brown rice, and calcium is abundant in dairy products,” shares the family doctor.
She also reminds us to follow the principle of “a little bit of everything” and to constantly choose as diverse food as possible, because in this way the body receives all the necessary substances and does not encounter an excess of them.
In addition, it is useful to remember that you should not be in the sun for too long in the summer. If this cannot be avoided, for example, you have to work in the heat and start sweating profusely, it is useful to refresh yourself with micronutrient-enriched drinks.
2024-07-22 22:17:16