what the Mediation offers – Info-Matin

by time news

The International Mediation is again trying to revive the peace agreement in our country. Led by Algeria, the International Mediation presented to the Malian parties who signed the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation resulting from the Algiers process “concrete” proposals aimed at relaunching the implementation of the agreement. In a press release dated April 9, 2023, the international mediation in the Malian crisis explains the steps underway to reconcile the positions of the signatory parties to the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation resulting from the Algiers process.

According to the mediation, whose leader is Algeria, on Friday April 7, 2023, in accordance with the commitment made at its meeting of March 13, it presented to the signatory Parties concrete proposals aimed at relaunching the implementation of the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation resulting from the Algiers Process.
The International Mediation is convinced that these proposals, which take into account the concerns expressed by the Parties during the various consultations held in Mali and Algeria, are likely to restore confidence and promote the re-establishment of a constructive dialogue, under the aegis of the Monitoring Committee of the Agreement chaired by Algeria.
“The International Mediation observes with concern the current resurgence of tension between the signatory Parties. In this context, it launches an urgent appeal to the Parties to refrain from words and actions likely to compromise the efforts made by the Mediation with a view to completing the peace process, translate into concrete actions their proclaimed commitment to Agreement, and place the interest of their country and its people above all other considerations,” the statement read.
Furthermore, the International Mediation reaffirms its total commitment to continue to support the signatory Parties and the Malian people in their quest for lasting peace, stability and reconciliation, with strict respect for unity, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country.
Official details were not disclosed, but according to our sources, the document includes priority actions to be taken to get the process started again.
One of the sensitive points is the operationalization of the ad hoc commission on the chain of command of the reconstituted armed forces.
International mediation also proposes to the two parties to begin the DDR operation: disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, on a first batch of 13,000 ex-combatants out of the 26,000 agreed, to agree on the “launch of development funds”, or the update of the security arrangements on the ceasefire.
For some time now, the implementation of the agreement for peace and reconciliation resulting from the Algiers process has been experiencing blockages. A kind of mistrust has arisen between the signatory parties to the agreement.
Moreover, in a statement published recently, the signatory groups of the Agreement considered that the draft new constitution which must be submitted to referendum does not offer any progress in the application of the Algiers Agreement. The armed groups in their press release “solemnly declare that they do not recognize themselves” in the text being popularized.
For the spokesperson for the armed groups of the North, united within the Permanent Strategic Framework for Peace, Security and Development (CSP-PSD), Mohamed Elmaouloud Ramadane, the project which must be submitted to referendum does not propose any progress for application of the Algiers Agreement.
In February 2023, the government in a confidential letter addressed to the international mediation, condemned the recent violations of the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation resulting from the talks by the Coordination of Azawad Movements (CMA).
The government has notified international mediation that it is no longer acceptable to allow the CMA to defy the Peace Accord. This, so that the cases of violation prevent the creation of a climate of serenity necessary for the return to the constitutional order.
In its document signed by the Minister for Reconciliation, Peace and National Cohesion, responsible for the agreement for peace and national reconciliation, Colonel Major Ismaël WAGUÉ, the government specified that despite its many efforts to implementation of the Agreement, “it is clear that certain movements, specifically those of the CMA, have continued to violate the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali, resulting from the Algiers process”.
The most recent cases of these violations listed by the government are among others: the installation of General Staffs by certain armed movements in Gourma between 2020-2021; the reopening of security posts in the Zones of Kidal, Gao, Ménaka and Timbuktu; the illegal issuance of travel permits to gold panning sites; the installation and implementation of security devices on the illegal gold mining sites of N’Tahaka (south of Gao) and north of Kidal; the refusal to receive the doctors in charge of the fight against Covid-19; actions hindering the optimal functioning of the Battalions of the Reconstituted Armed Forces (BATFAR)…


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