what they are and why they usually affect women – time.news

by time news
from Antonella Sparvoli

Caused by bacteria, they most often affect women. The severity depends on whether they are “low” or “high”, “complicated” or not

Urinary tract infections are among those that most often come to the observation not only of the family doctor but also of various specialists, including the urologist, the gynecologist and the nephrologist. It is also calculated that nearly 10 percent of patients admitted to urology wards develop this problem during hospitalization. These infections they can turn out to be absolutely benign however, it is not uncommon for them to relapse, and in some cases they expose you to the risk of serious, if not fatal, complications. For these reasons they should never be underestimatedeven more so if they occur in frail individuals or in a hospital setting.

What are urinary tract infections?

“Urinary infections occur when pathogenic microorganisms, usually bacteriapenetrate and multiply in the urinary tract – he explains Emanuele Montanarifull professor of Urology at the University of Milan and director of the complex operational unit of urology of the Fondazione Irccs Policlinico di Milano -. They are generally more common in women».

Are there different types?

“A distinction can be made first of all on the basis of whether they are of interest to them lower urinary tract or, less frequently, upper urinary tract. They are then divided into non complicated and complicated. The premium are those that traditionally affect women who are otherwise healthy, not pregnant, e they resolve with antibiotic therapy. The complicated ones are more insidious, because they occur in people with risk factors, such as urinary stones, prolonged use of catheters, kidney disease, diabetes, cancer, or immunodeficiency. Complicated infections, if not treated adequately, are more likely to have consequences “.

What are the symptoms?

“Lower urinary tract infections, such as cystitis, are very common in women, in which they can cause disturbances both in the filling phase of the bladder and in the emptying phase. In the first case there is an urgency to urinate, possible loss of urine and the need to urinate often. On the other hand, when you urinate, you may experience burning, pain, and sometimes bleeding. The typical warning sign of an infection that has reached the upper urinary tract (pyelonephritis) is a fever, which is not normally present in common cystitis. Furthermore, in the case of pyelonephritis, a typical pain in the side and a general feeling of exhaustion may appear.In the male, the presentation methods are different: infections that occur from the prostate downwards (urethritis) cause burning, loss of pus, pain but not fever . When the prostate is involved, on the other hand, fever, edema (swelling) of the prostate appear resulting in obstructive symptoms (the prostate tends to obstruct the bladder). In the male it is difficult to distinguish cystitis (which is very rare) from urethroprostatitis, which is much more frequent ».

How should they be treated?

«Uncomplicated urinary infections are treated with antibiotics. For simple cystitis a few days of antibiotic therapy by mouth are sufficient, while UTIs may require hospitalization, with a more prolonged use of intravenous antibiotics, associated with supportive care. A growing and worrying problem, particularly with complicated infections, is that of appearance of germs resistant to antibiotics
. This is one of the reasons why it is recommended not to treat the so-called asymptomatic bacteriuria linked to the detection of bacteria in the urine, without the symptoms of a urinary infection being present ».

April 14, 2022 (change April 14, 2022 | 18:12)

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