What they said, what they did… The political day in the eye of the “World”

by time news

The world keeps the synopsis of the 2022 presidential election campaign: a daily update is published every evening at 7 p.m., which reviews the political events of the past day and discusses upcoming meetings.

News of the day. Emmanuel Macron lists several social and ecological measures to convince the left

For Marine Le Pen as for Emmanuel Macron, the strategy for the second round is clear: convince as many voters as possible of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. To do this, the outgoing president did not hesitate to multiply the appeals of the foot to the left and to environmentalists. Guest of “Télématin”, on France 2, Wednesday April 13, the President of the Republic and candidate took the pretext of a question relating to his proposals in terms of ecology to comment: “I want to look at what, coming from other proposals, allows us to clarify this line [de lutte contre le réchauffement climatique] with ecological planning. »

“That’s what Jean-Luc Mélenchon said”revived the journalist Caroline Roux. “I think the method is good”replied Mr. Macron, before immediately specifying: “I’m not going to suddenly say that I want to get out of nuclear, which was his position, because I think it’s not good for our country”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Emmanuel Macron forced into the splits for the second round of the 2022 presidential election

A few moments later, the President of the Republic also cited the proposals of the ecologist Yannick Jadot “on circular economy topics”by mentioning ” sobriety “ energy through the renovation of housing and a system of leasing (“leasing”) of electric vehicles for low-income families, as well as the deployment of renewable energies. He noted, however, “believing in the ecology of solutions”not to “degrowth projects”.

At the same time as giving pledges to the left while consolidating his support, Mr. Macron continued his criticisms of the program of Marine Le Pen, a “extreme right project” which, according to him, “completely does not care about the IPCC report [Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat] » and “consists of dismantling wind turbines (…)that is to say, to spend hundreds of millions of euros to remove renewable energy sources, which is an absurdity, budgetary and energetic”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers IPCC calls for immediate action across all sectors to ‘ensure a livable future’

In addition, Gabriel Attal, government spokesperson and supporter of Mr. Macron, declared on BFM-TV and RMC, on Wednesday morning, that in the event of a second term, the current Head of State wanted to put put in place a measure to “to condition the remuneration of the managers of large companies on the respect of environmental, social and societal objectives” – all of which are now included in the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR).

Picture of the day. Marine Le Pen’s lecture on disrupted diplomacy

A woman holds up a heart-shaped sign on which is printed a photo of the meeting between Marine Le Pen and Vladimir Poutine, in 2017, during a press conference where the candidate of the National Rally presented her vision of foreign policy, on April 13, 2022, in Paris.

Marine Le Pen invited the press on Wednesday for a new conference followed by a question and answer session. This time the theme was diplomacy and foreign policy. On this occasion, an activist from the Ibiza collective, created after Jean-Michel Blanquer’s controversial vacation in December 2021, held up a sign on which appeared a photo of Marine Le Pen shaking hands with Vladimir Poutine.

“We wanted to make visible the fact that Marine Le Pen’s diplomacy is to be complacent with dictators”, she testified after being exfiltrated from the press conference by the security service of the far-right candidate. “We need, during this between-two rounds, to show what the National Rally is”added this woman who was also elected Europe Ecologie-Les Verts in Boulogne-Billancourt (Hauts-de-Seine).

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers How Marine Le Pen was forgotten about the war in Ukraine

Phrase of the day.

“One and the other are not equivalent”, says Jean-Luc Mélenchon about Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron

As in 2017, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who came third in the first round of the presidential election, decided to organize a consultation for his 320,000 activists in view of the second round to assess their “appreciations in their diversity”. This is what the candidate of the People’s Union said on Wednesday in a message posted on the site where the open vote will take place until Saturday April 16 at 8 p.m. Voters and supporters of La France insoumise will have the choice between Emmanuel Macron, blank votes, null or abstention. In this text, Mr. Mélenchon returns to the “huge disappointment” of this first round.

However, despite his opposition to Emmanuel Macron during the five-year term and during the campaign, Jean-Luc Mélenchon ensures that the projects of the outgoing president and that of Mme Le Pen are different. “One and the other are not equivalent”he assured. “Marine Le Pen adds to the project of social mistreatment, which she shares with Emmanuel Macron, a dangerous ferment of ethnic and religious exclusion. A people can be destroyed by this type of division. We all know it equals no other evil.”he warns. “That’s why I said and I repeat that not a voice should go to the far-right candidate”, continues the “rebellious”. If the result will be made public, “it should not be interpreted as an instruction given to anyone, neither between us nor for those who listen to us and trust us”explains Mr. Mélenchon in this text.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers For supporters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the impossibility of voting for Emmanuel Macron

The day when… In 2002, when thousands of young people demonstrated against the National Front

Events that mark generations are rare. That of April 22, 2002 is undeniably one of them. That day, the day after Jean-Marie Le Pen’s surprise accession to the second round of the presidential election, tens of thousands of young people demonstrated spontaneously throughout France to chant their opposition to the far-right candidate. The world, written by Luc Bronner, Marie-Laure Phélippeau and several correspondents in the provinces, recounts these outpourings of anger from part of French youth. Slogans, such as “Le Pen, you’re screwed, we’re in the street” or “F for fascist, N for Nazi” are taken up in chorus. “For years, I have seen the extreme right rising, rising. We let it happen too much. We have to react now”, lamented for example in Orléans Agathe, a 17-year-old high school student. At his side, Caroline, daughter of Spanish immigrants, demonstrates for the first time. “I was not interested in politics, but today Le Pen fell on my face”she says.

Other young voters are biting their fingers for their vote. This is the case of Tristan, in Caen, who also came to demonstrate against the presence of Jean-Marie Le Pen in the second round. “I frankly regret not having chosen Jospinover it. On May 5, I will vote for Chirac reluctantly, but he must not miss a single vote. » Twenty years later, Yannick Jadot, the environmental candidate has also announced his intention to vote Emmanuel Macron against Marine Le Pen for “let no one minimize the fundamental threat posed by the far right” without his vote being equivalent to ” a caution “ of his policy.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Marine Le Pen wants to govern by referendum bypassing Parliament and the Constitutional Council

Agenda for Thursday April 14

Meeting. Marine Le Pen, candidate for the National Rally, will hold a meeting in Avignon at 6.30 p.m. head with 29.43% of the votes cast ahead of Emmanuel Macron (22.01%) and Jean-Luc Mélenchon (20.75%).

Moving. The president candidate for his re-election, Emmanuel Macron, will go to Le Havre (Seine-Maritime). He is expected there from 12:15 p.m., before giving an interview to France Bleu at 1 p.m. A speech is then scheduled at 5:30 p.m. in front of the employees and apprentices of the Siemens Gamesa offshore wind turbine production plant. In this city administered by Edouard Philippe, former prime minister of Mr. Macron, Jean-Luc Mélenchon came out on top in the first round with 30.17% of the vote, ahead of the outgoing president (27.53%).

In the post. Note that François Hollande, the last socialist president of the Ve République, will be the guest of the “20 hours” of TF1 to discuss the second round of the presidential election.

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