What to do to have more energy

by time news

2024-09-20 14:00:27

In everyday life it is common to feel a decrease in energy levels. Find out what you can do so that fatigue does not affect your performance at work, in household tasks or in the activities you do.

Last update: September 20, 2024

Stress, lack of sleep, inadequate diet and little physical activity are often the main causes of constant feeling of fatigue that makes getting to the end of the day a challenge. Fortunately, there are effective ways to recover and increase your energy levels in a natural and long-lasting way.

If your doctor has ruled out serious health problems or medication side effects as the cause of your fatigue, a few lifestyle adjustments can make a big difference. Put these 10 tips into practice to rejuvenate yourself and maintain energy throughout the day.

1. Get enough sleep

Adequate sleep is essential so that you can perform your daily activities with the necessary energy. Not getting enough sleep can lead to feelings of exhaustion, bad mood and fatigue the next day, affecting your physical and mental state.

Experts recommend Sleep between seven and eight hours a night, to ensure restful sleep and promote overall health. In addition, a good night’s sleep allows the body to replenish its energy reserves and regain its energy.

To improve sleep quality, Establish a regular bedtime and create an environment worthy of rest, elimination of noise and lights. Before going to bed, do relaxing activities such as bathing, reading or listening to music, and limit the use of electronic devices.

Apart from, Short naps during the day can be beneficial when you feel like you can’t take it anymore. In any case, you should limit them to 15 or 20 minutes and no more, to avoid prolonged sleep and additional fatigue. Sleeping an hour or more during the day can increase fatigue and interfere with nighttime sleep.

2. Eat well

If you are very tired, anxious and have little energy, improving your eating habits may be the key to regaining energy. Eating a balanced diet not only reduces the risk of chronic diseases, but can also increase your daily energy levels.

Try to reduce the consumption of processed foods, simple carbohydrates rich in sugar. Although these products can give an immediate energy boost, their absorption is fast we usually follow him of a sudden fall that leaves you exhausted and without energy.

Instead, choose whole, fresh and nutritious foods that provides your body with essential vitamins and minerals for optimal performance. Complex carbohydrates and lean proteins are digested more slowly, providing a constant, long-lasting source of energy.

For a delayed boost, include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and proteins in your meals.

Apart from, avoid skipping meals or restricting calories, since lack of sufficient nutrients can cause constant fatigue, anxiety and lack of concentration. Don’t skip breakfast and eat well throughout the day.

Avoid restrictive meals or snacks and start the day with a complete and varied breakfast to stay active.

A few numbers

Make combinations with complex carbohydrates, lean proteins and healthy fats.

3. Drink plenty of water

dehydration can be affected — negatively — brain function, mood, and energy levels. Lack of water also prevents blood flow, which makes the heart work harder to provide oxygen to the body. Even a slight lack of water can cause fatigue, decrease concentration and reduce physical activity.

To have energy throughout your day Try to drink water regularly, especially during exercise or in hot weather. It is recommended to eat up to three to four liters of liquid per day, considering both drinks and foods with high water content.

Staying hydrated is essential for the proper functioning of your body and mind.

Water is the best drink to keep the water cool. Decaffeinated milk, juice, herbal teas, coffee, and tea can also help increase your body water level.

Sports drinks are useful for replenishing fluids and electrolytes. But it is better to use them only if you practice for a very long time.

4. Use caffeine to your advantage

Caffeine is a natural stimulant can improve mental alertness, improve memory and mood. Consuming a cup of coffee in the morning can help start the day with energy.

However, Its use should be moderate and sensible, because its effects can last up to seven hours. If taken in the afternoon or evening it can interfere with sleep patterns, leading to insomnia and ultimately increased fatigue during the day.

Consuming large amounts or adding sugars can lead to a cycle of energy spikes followed by unexpected breaths that increase fatigue. Although it may seem like a partner to increase energy and focus, it is important to avoid excesses.

Although coffee is the most well-known product that contains caffeine, it is also found in other beverages such as tea, soft drinks, energy drinks, some pain relievers, and herbal remedies.

5. Avoid alcohol

Although you may believe that having a few drinks can boost your energy or help you relax better, that is not the case. Origin, in fact, makes the feeling of relaxationlethargy and drowsiness.

If you take it during the night it will affect your rest. Alcohol acts as a diuretic, which can increase the need to urinate and get out of bed all the time. Apart from, interfere with deep sleepwhich reduces the quality of your rest and can leave you with less energy when you wake up.

If you want to recover your energy and rest well, Limit alcohol consumption, especially before going to bed. Also, try not to abuse this substance and avoid eating at times that may affect physical and mental performance.

6. Do not smoke

Smoking has a negative effect on health and also will affect the quality of rest. Nicotine in cigarettes increases heart rate, increases blood pressure and activates brain waves associated with wakefulness, which It makes it difficult to fall asleep and can stop you falling asleep once you fall asleep.

In addition, in the long term, tobacco smoke introduces toxins and tar into the lungs, reducing their ability to take oxygen to the body properly. This It can lead to a constant feeling of tiredness and fatigue.

Quitting smoking can not only increase energy levels but also reduce the risk of chronic diseases. It is advisable to seek the support of a health professional to receive appropriate guidance and consider the use of nicotine substitutes as part of a cessation plan.

7. Get moving

Even if exercise is the last thing on your mind when you’re tired, Moving can increase your energy levels. Research has shown that walking, swimming, dancing, cycling, or doing aerobics can help to reduce fatigue.

These benefits are attributed to changes in neuronal activity and the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine. These things improve alertness and reduce the feeling of fatigue.

In addition to improving energy levels, regular exercise also It has positive effects on mental health and relaxation. Small exercise programs that you do three times a week has shown significant improvements in fatigue, sleep quality and cognitive function.

Incorporating physical activity into your daily routine, such as walking during your lunch break, taking the stairs, walking in the park, or signing up for an exercise class can be an effective way to increase your energy. Moving will make you feel important and motivated throughout the day.

A few numbers

8. Stress management

Family, work or school responsibilities, a breakup, unemployment or the loss of a loved one can cause it emotions, worries and fears are the greatest source of our energy. If stress is not managed—well—it can lead to feeling tired and fatigued all the time.

Adopting effective stress management techniques will not only make you feel more relaxed, but also tired. Here are some activities that can help you regain strength:

  • Join support groups.
  • Seek help from a psychologist.
  • Simplify and prioritize daily tasks.
  • Ask for help with work or household chores.
  • Talk to friends or family about your problems or concerns.
  • Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, tai chi or deep souls.

Although it is not always possible to completely eliminate sources of stress, taking steps to reduce their impact can help you regain your energy.

9. Surround yourself with good people

Good character and positive energy are contagious, that’s why Surrounding yourself with people who have good vibes will motivate you to face your daily life better. Being around individuals with an optimistic attitude can raise your motivation and physical well-being.

Healthy social connections not only improve your mood, they also help maintain your energy.

Conversely, the presence of negative people can affect your motivation. Social exclusion, on the other hand, also can move to low mood and promote apathy and fatigue, especially in old age.

Therefore, socialize with friends, join groups with common interests or participate in community activities, They can be a great way to revive your energy. If you feel like the week is getting tough, scheduling meetings with colleagues or family may be just what you need to improve your physical and mental well-being.

10. Set a purpose

Pursue a goal, start a project, or do something meaningful every day It can be a great source of energy. Spending time on your passions, hobbies, or personal goals—whether it’s sports, reading a book, spending time with loved ones, learning something new, or cooking—can bring energy and well-being. it increases.

When you feel really burned out, take some time to do activities that excite and motivate you, but that also challenge you to some extent. By accomplishing these goals and enjoying the process, you will feel a significant increase in your energy and satisfaction every day.

Health reforms

It is much easier to get tired than to be strong. Going to bed late, eating junk food or spending hours on the cell phone can reduce your energy.

However, Adjusting your daily routine can give you a health boost to be the best throughout the day. Making small changes to your lifestyle can have a significant impact on your energy and overall well-being. Take the test and see the difference in your life.


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