What to do when your partner does not want to go with you to an event

by time news

We’ve all been through one Awkward situation in which we are invited to some event y we want our partner to accompany us, but… he or she is not interested in going. whatWhat to do when your partner does not want to go with you to an event?

Most likely, after receiving no for an answer, they will start a pitched fight in the relationship, because one wants to include the other in their plans, without the second having the slightest interest in doing so. In the “best” cases, he ends up going, but he spends it with a “few friendly” face.

That is sign of relationship problems?

How to know if a relationship has no future

What to do when your partner does not want to go with you to an event. Photo: iStock

None relationship is perfect and they all experience moments of turbulence, which make them realize one thing: they both have an interest in the relationship, or the opposite. In order to be clear about what you are looking for, you need to give yourself the opportunity to meet the other person. For that they must live and share moments.

He quality time in relationship is key to power strengthen the bond with the special personpoints out a study published in the Educare Electronic Magazine. These moments must be solo (only the couple) or in coexistence with others.

However, there are clear signs with which you can tell if the relationship in which you are has a future or not.

little communication. Yes there are difficulty communicating inside of relationship, it is unlikely to go far. the basis of a successful relationship is the open and honest communication.

Lack of compromise. Both parties must have the same interest and commitment, otherwise it will not be possible for one to “pull the boat”. While one of the members of the couple do not have the disposition, the relationship can fail.

irreconcilable differences. If there is no compatibility in values, lifestyles or goals, possibly that relationship doesn’t last long enough.

What happens when your partner denies you

The person who denies his coupleHe’s practicing pocketing (which means “to put in the pocket”). It is a situation where the person you are dating avoids or hesitates to appear in their social circle; even when they have been dating for several months. The relationship seems nonexistent to others.

There are several reasons why some people practice the pocketing:

Fear of compromise.

recently finished one Relationship.

Having a double life or parallel relationship.

It shows a different facet in each social circle and does not want to be discovered.

He is not ready to tell the world that he has a partner.

What to do when your partner excludes you

And you partner excludes you, you should talk directly about what’s going on and say what’s bothering you. It is also necessary to set limits within the relationship and if things do not improve, it would be good to talk about a temporary separation, They will seek help with a therapist or open up about what each one wants to see if they have the same goals or not.

How to know if your partner has you as a priority

What to do when your partner does not want to go with you to an event. Photo: iStock

You will realize how important you are to your couple If he takes you into account for his plans, he will communicate directly with you respectseeks to improve the relationship and shows that you are committed.

In case you do not show some of these signs, possibly your relationship It’s not the most important thing to him.

A few days ago, rumors of problems in the Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck relationship. Everything happened after the Grammy ceremony was seen at various times, the Ben’s face from “few friends”.

In addition, it also drew attention that at a moment when the camera focused on them, it seemed that they were arguing or that she disagreed with something he whispered in her ear. But when they noticed the camera, her attitude immediately changed.

Some point out that this relationship is toxicOthers believe that she is the one who holds the “reins” of the relationship. Either way, it’s important talk with the partner about what we like or dislike.

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for a relationship work, it is important to have good communication. It is useless to lie as long as the other does not get angry. A relationship that hides things will not get you very far. whatWhat do you do when your partner doesn’t want to go with you to an event??

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