What to see tonight: Corona + Zombies + Comedy + Horror

by time news

Remember how right at the beginning of the Corona, in the early days of the first closure, the biggest hit on Netflix was “Spread,” a horror / disaster thriller (totally spin, by the way) by Steven Soderbergh, who jumped to the top of Netflix Net charts because he dealt with a deadly epidemic around the world? You would think that our TV habits are driven first and foremost by escapism, but reality proves time and time again that this is not really true. In that sense, it’s a little weird that we’re already in 2022 and still barely got a wave of Corona movies / series. Most screenwriters simply bypass the subject elegantly, among other things for purely practical production considerations (it’s not that interesting to film people talking to each other in zoom). But here comes “Bite Disease” (a cute, annoying translation of “The Bite.”

“The Bite” takes place in New York, where two neighbors – Rachel and Lily, one a doctor and the other, well, the BDSM queen – spend the closure one floor apart, each meets her clients in a zoom, and they both gradually begin to realize that the other wave and the gods Of Cubid – 19 that hit the city is not exactly like the previous one – and more like a virus of the type that zombie apocalypse series do on it. In short, a classic case of art that mimics a reality that for a moment seemed to quite mimic art.

Wait, did you say the creators of “The Good Wife”? So why are they suddenly doing a wild horror comedy, with a particularly violent wave of corona that also turns those infected with it into bloodthirsty zombies? Well, the King and Queen totally have a touch of horror series – they are not only responsible for the supernatural drama “Evil” currently airing on CBS, but also previously created a small, disturbing, funny and very clever series called “Brain Dead” (“Missing”). “) Which came out in 2016, a few months before that dramatic election in the United States, and dealt with small-parasitic aliens with malicious programs that are beginning to take over more and more minds in the White House and the surrounding area. If “The Bite” has at least half of the “Brain Dead” sharp teeth – we’ll already be fine.

“The Bite” is now available on Cellcom TV

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