what voting instructions are given by the candidates of Ensemble! in the Nupes-RN duels?

by time news
By Pierre Breteau, Romain Imbach and Romain Geoffroy

Posted today at 8:00 p.m., updated at 8:22 p.m.

To win the presidential election in 2017 and 2022, candidate Emmanuel Macron was able to count on a Republican front against the candidate of the National Rally (RN), Marine Le Pen. Most of the left-wing candidates eliminated in the first round (Yannick Jadot, Anne Hidalgo, Fabien Roussel) had clearly called to vote for Emmanuel Macron when Jean-Luc Mélenchon asked not to “not give a single voice to Marine Le Pen”.

But does this Republican front work the other way around? Together Candidates! eliminated in the first round of the legislative call to block the RN? The government majority coalition remains on a strategy of ” case by case “.

We have listed the instructions and reactions of the candidates of Together! in the 61 constituencies where a far-right candidate (RN, Debout la France or other) finds himself in a duel with Nupes. According to our counts, only nine of them clearly called to vote for their ex-rival on the left, and fifteen not to vote for the RN, while most remain on general considerations or refuse any instructions.

This total is likely to change, since some candidates have not yet expressed their views.

These “maps” present constituencies in which there is a Nupes-National Rally duel and in which the candidate Together! has been eliminated.

call to vote Nupes against the RN
do not want “a vote for the RN”
are on a “neither, nor” line or will vote blank
do not give voting instructions
did not speak

We removed from the list the 3e district of Aisne. Although the socialist (Nupes) Jean-Louis Bricout (45.88%) faces in the second round the RN Paul-Henry Hansen-Catta (32.31%), no candidate Together! was not present in the first round.

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