“What was in life teaches you what to take for the future”

by time news

11 years have passed since Q.Leah Schnerer Burst into our lives, When she appeared in the docu-reality series “Fortunes”, and became a full-fledged star and celeb. Since then she has maintained her status as a prominent presence in the swamp and her name has become synonymous with a woman living in wealth and splendor. Beyond being a star and wealthy, Schnirer also owns a Pilates studio, and this morning (Wednesday) launched her new Pilates package at a launch event held at her home. Among the guests were her trainees and friends, among them Ofira Asaig, Marina Kabisher, Paula Blick, Moore Silver And none other than the Minister of the Interior Ayelet ShakedThat even on such busy and preoccupied days she found time to come and cheer for her teacher.

How much do you get to exercise?

Ayelet Shaked: “Twice a week. Better than nothing.”

Leah Schnirer: “In the serious way she trains, that’s enough.”

Do you give her comments in the process?

Schnirer: “Obviously. What opportunity do I have to give instructions if not in class?”.

Also comments in the political field?

Schnirer: “No, I’m quiet in politics. In class I linger where I should. I’m a very tough teacher.”

Talk about sports, not politics. Leah Schnirer and Ayelet ShakedPhoto: Aran Chen Photographers

While most of the women arrived in sportswear ahead of a training that Schnirer had promised them, Asaig stood out when she arrived in a chic but not particularly sporty block.

Ofira, why did you not come with gym clothes?

Asaig: “Why would anyone tell me what to do? I came for breakfast where we present Leah’s new kit. Run code – not Ofira.”

Unsurprisingly, the one who did not come to the party was Tzipi Refaeli, Who until a few years ago was also in Schnirer’s circle of friends but quarreled with them about two and a half years ago and severed ties with them. In one of her family docu-episodes “The Raphaelis,” Schnirer and Blick were mentioned as “the Herzliya” and “the beautician.” In response, Blick wrote on her Instagram: “Jealousy, evil and lies make wrinkles”, while Schnirer shared the post and wrote: “What fun we got out of the cult.”

Leah, who knows the faucets of the swamp knows that once Tzipi Refaeli was also in your group.

Schnirer: “We really do not deal with it, do not want to. What was – was, is a thing of the past and we turned to the future.”

Do you think you will be friends again?

Schnirer: “I do not want to talk about it. I am everyone’s friend. Everything that has been in life, teaches you what to take for the future.”

You got a mention in her show.

Paula Blick: “I did not see, but they sent it to me. I do not deal with the past. Only the present and the future.”

You were called “the beautician.”

Blick: “I know, they sent me over a hundred people. It’s like not mentioning the name but it’s clear who it is. It’s theirs, I’m not offended. Going with my truth.”

Ofira, do you miss Tzipi’s presence?

Asaig: “She is a very special woman and she took a distance before entering the prison and also after she left, and she is only with the children. I fully understand her.”

Watch the video at the top of the article!

“Run code – not for Ofira.” Schnirer with Paula Blick and Ofira AsaigPhoto: Aran Chen Photographers

Seems like a complicated exercise.  Moore Silver (Photo: Aran Chen Photographers)

Seems like a complicated exercise. Moore SilverPhoto: Aran Chen Photographers

“what do we do with it?”. Marina KabisherPhoto: Aran Chen Photographers

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