What we know about the road accident involving comedian Pierre Palmade and a family in Seine-et-Marne

by time news

The three passengers of the vehicle hit by that of the actor were hospitalized in critical condition. A pregnant woman has lost the child she was carrying.

The accident occurred on a secondary road near Melun (Seine-et-Marne), Friday February 10, in the early evening. Three cars collided. Four people were injured: comedian Pierre Palmade, 54, a 40-year-old man, a young pregnant woman and 6-year-old child. Here is what we know about this collision.

The comedian was driving

The accident occurred around 6:45 p.m. on the RD372 departmental road, in Villiers-en-Bière, near Melun (Seine-et-Marne). The 54-year-old comedian was driving a car towards Dammarie-les-Lys when the vehicle swerved into the left lane for no apparent reason, according to a source familiar with the matter at franceinfo. He then hit another car coming in front.

A 40-year-old man who was driving this second vehicle, a 7-month-old pregnant young woman and a 6-year-old child were on board. The prefecture of Seine-et-Marne evokes a collision with “strong kinetics”. Especially since a third car came “hitting the family vehicle from behind”added the prosecution.

A pregnant woman lost the baby she was carrying

“Pierre Palmade was admitted in serious condition to the Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital. He was placed in the intensive care unit”, said the comedian’s family in a press release. According to the Melun prosecutor’s office, he was “conscious when help arrives”. While his vital prognosis was engaged on Friday evening, the family of Pierre Palmade announced on Saturday morning that the days of the actor were not “more in danger”.

The 6-year-old was taken to Necker Hospital in Paris with multiple bruises and a head wound. Her vital prognosis was engaged on Friday evening, as were those of the 7-month-pregnant passenger and the driver. The woman was transported by helicopter to Beaujon hospital (Hauts-de-Seine) and the man to Bicêtre hospital (Val-de-Marne). In a press release, the prosecutor specified that the mother of the family had lost “the child she was carrying”.

The 86-year-old man, who was in the third vehicle, was slightly injured.

Pierre Palmade had used cocaine

Blood alcohol and toxicology samples were also taken. They reported a recent drug intake for Pierre Palmade, in the hours preceding the accident, the prosecution confirmed to France Télévisions. “The toxicological analyzes showed that Pierre Palmade was driving under the influence of narcotics (cocaine)”said the public prosecutor of Melun in a press release, late Saturday afternoon.

An investigation has been opened

An investigation, entrusted to the Melun-Val-de-Seine police station, was first opened for “involuntary injuries by driver resulting in incapacity for work for more than three months”. On Saturday afternoon, the public prosecutor announced that the investigation had been requalified for “homicide and involuntary injuries”, then at the end of the afternoon for “homicide and involuntary injuries (…) by driver under the influence of narcotics”.

According to a source familiar with the matter, witnesses also claim to have seen two occupants of Pierre Palmade’s car flee on foot after the accident. Information not confirmed for the time being, according to the prosecutor of Melun. According to the prosecution, “dInvestigations are also underway to confirm the presence” of these passengers in the comedian’s vehicle. The spokesperson for the Ministry of the Interior, Camille Chaize, asked, on Monday February 13, the two people suspected of having been in Pierre Palmade’s car, to “go to any police station”.

A search also took place on Sunday at the home of the comedian in Cély-en-Bière, reported journalists from France Télévisions on the spot. Narcotics were found in his house, learned franceinfo from a source close to the investigation.

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