What we saw at night: 7 series and movies that kept us awake this week

by time news

Every evening we publish here on the “Time Out” website our recommendation for nightly viewing. We aim low in advance: things that can be watched at night without burning the mind with an overdose of stupidity – you can do that on your own – even if they are not super-temporal masterpieces. The recommendations are sometimes based on watching individual episodes that show potential, but you are definitely welcome to complain about us in the secret Facebook group “The Spoiler: What Do You See Today”. In honor of the weekend and for your convenience we are gathering all the recommendations in one place in favor of the traditional weekend binge ending, ranked according to the degree of our aviation on them.

1. RRR

The disturbing Bollywood sensation that squeezed a host of superlatives from our film critic, Yael Shuv, will provide you with three hours of great and fun cinema with quite a few jaw-dropping moments that will make you rethink everything you knew about the world of cinema outside of Hollywood. But why talk a lot: Bollywood blows our minds and it’s available on Netflix. Read the review and want to see.

2. Burgen: Power and Glory

A lot of haters will wait for “Burgen” around the corner to say she’s not as good as she used to be, but we, the true fans of the series, don’t need her to be as good as she used to be but just bring back to life Brigitte Neuberg, the most exciting politician we’ve encountered on TV since Shelly Yachimovich. The comeback that Netflix organized for it begins an interesting one in the first episode – with a variety of international and local intrigues and climate crisis issues – and we have all the intentions in the world to continue even without Casper Yule. So yes, without seeing too much, And that’s a warm recommendation. And certainly better and more connected to reality than the junk you are fed in prime time (we mean the news).

Love Death and Robots 3

Netflix’s MDA animated anthology arrives in a third round of mostly dystopian short films about the possible futures that await us all with and without robots, in the super-fun format of varying length episodes with unrelated stories and general inconsistency in every parameter. , Contains some small and fun masterpieces, and if you need more reasons than that to watch it then here is Oren Barzilai A beautiful and reasoned review column flew at her.

4. Special Norm McDonald’s

We do not know if this is the special we need, But this is without a doubt the special we deserve. The brilliant Norm McDonald passed away, leaving our world a little less brilliant, not before leaving behind one last stand-up special filmed during the Corona days at his home, thinking his illness might overwhelm him from preventing him from returning to the stages. In fact, the entire special was filmed using a McDonald’s computer camera at his home and recorded in one take, which is no less amazing. How are we going to miss this weird man.

5. Pistol

Many have been waiting for a series directed by Danny Boyle about the Sex Pistols and aired this week on Hulu / FX and soon with us at Disney Plus, but since then a provocative controversy has erupted among fans, people I hire know the story of the Sex Pistols and some surviving band members blame the series’ creators and producers The band’s plots and rewriting history. On the other hand, after watching two episodes it’s pretty clear to us that “Pistol” Slightly far from reality, So maybe actually more fun than reality. In short: if it can be treated as a fantasy and not as an authentic documentation experience, it can probably also be enjoyed.

6. Someone feed the elephant

Season five of the world-class docu-food series, centered on the charming character of TV producer Phil Rosenthal (“Everybody Loves Raymond”), who wanders between continents, countries and cities in search of delicious food, a bit like a child who sees the world with eyes full of wonder and a bit like a village fool A global who smiles like a jerk in front of every plate placed in front of him. If you indulge in the light-hearted atmosphere that Rosenthal sweats to spread around him and relish the great food photos and the beautiful culinary stories, you can deduct the hysteria by admitting that it is A cute elephant-good series Which is not typical of the genre. Great Guilty Pleasure, but why only five episodes?

7. Jack S. 4.5

If they ask us we will deny that we ever recommended this movie. The members of the Jack S gang are reuniting, unfortunately, and although we would not want to admit it, they are simply So dumb it’s still funny, Over and over, over and over again. We hate it and these people have earned every blow to the testicles they have ever received.

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