What will happen to Ofira and Barko’s program when no minister comes to host?

by time news

I predicted, I expected, and I felt that after the Likud victory, this time for a change, representatives would come on his behalf to be interviewed by Ofira and Barko, and that they would be happy and kind-hearted and satisfied with the election results. What’s more, this could have been an excellent opportunity for them to tease the pair of interviewers, in the style of “the fanatics will die”, “you failed” after a long period in which Ofira and Barko did not spare severe criticism from the Likud and its leader.

But it didn’t happen. And it appears that the boycott of the duo just goes on and on, and the Knesset members of the Likud and the right-wing bloc who will soon become ministers in the government, (unless Bibi keeps all the cases to himself) do not intend to come either. So it seems that this lovable duo will be forced to close the Basta soon or be creative enough to reinvent themselves, because spending an entire season without being able to be topical and host a single representative from the new government on their show, it will not hold water for long.

And who comes to the studio in their place? Hadar is crowned. A cute, chatty and noisy girl who will agree to anything she gets, but is far from being a key figure in the political landscape. But she will shine one day somewhere in the distant future, if she continues to pull all kinds of gimmicks up her sleeve as she has done so far, because in the Tik Tok era, gimmicks are the name of the game.

I am sure, for example, that the master of gimmicks Netanyahu, who is very creative in this field, and in my opinion could have had a successful career as a screenwriter in Hollywood, really and truly managed to scare a large part of his voters when he set up a pyramid of cups, and with a karate kick threw them to the winds, to say: this is what will happen to the right, if not Go vote. I laughed at the video but I was also sad.

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I was upset because instead of weighty content and instead of real ideologies, we got a campaign of gimmicks and hollow slogans that have no horizon or vision. Yair Golan of Meretz, who was hosted by Ofira and Barko last night, said that the nation needs to be returned to a time when fateful issues determined the agenda and the national discourse, such as our relationship with the Palestinians, which has been the main problem since the state was established. And instead of those important issues, we get in the last election campaign, which was aggressive like no other, two blocs that fight and pull knives against each other, with phrases like: “traitors” on the part of the right bloc, which calls the left that way, and on the other hand, the left, which calls the right the people of the dark and the darkness.

Yair Golan asked last night in bewilderment (in my words): How is it possible that I, a general in the IDF, am considered a traitor, and the one who becomes a national hero is a person who did not serve in the IDF? And he has many indictments.

In short, trolling has taken over our lives and the whole world of sane concepts, so how can I not be upset or worried? And Shayel Berkovic, will not make us regret when he says: “I didn’t want such a government, but I got it.” Really, very generous of him. As if he has any other choice, not to accept. For a long time he attacked the right wing, sometimes rightfully so, and suddenly now he becomes moderate, understanding and accepting? I would prefer him to tell the truth and shout it out loud.

Let him say that he is disappointed, hurt and very, very worried about the most extreme right-wing government that has ever existed in Israel. And how could it not? Ben Gvir will solve the rampant terrorism? how exactly? With the toy gun he holds in his hand and waves it at rioters with an unsteady hand?

And how is it possible not to be worried when an entire sector wants core studies and now may get what they want and eliminate all the essential compulsory subjects that make our society enlightened, cultured and modern. And every brainwashed person knows and understands that in a small country like ours that is not blessed with natural treasures or rich in resources, what is left for us except information and education to advance us?

Barko even went back and said last night that he is satisfied that at least a full right-wing government will be established because then they will not blame anyone for their failure, oh well. So what is Barco? All this failure will be at our expense, have you thought about that? But if Barco is happy, then we should all be happy.

A government that does not have representatives from the left, or even from the center, will only divide and resent a large part of the public, and even Bibi, in his heart of hearts, knows this, and would prefer that the government that is formed, also have representation from the other side. A representation that will know how to curb and mitigate the wild and dangerous whims of the extreme right, which, Bibi, thank God, is not one of them.

But it won’t happen, because “Meretz” was deleted, thanks to such a misguided and illogical judgment, of those who made sure that women, whose estrogen makes them sweat more than men, have adequate ventilation on the trains, but at the moment of truth, she didn’t know how to notice the dripping sweat drops from the foreheads of the members of her party and the neighboring Meretz party, because of the pressure that they are about to lose. So while I salute Merev Michaeli for her fight for equal rights for women, how did she not see the danger to the existence of “Mertz” and “Haavoda”? You waited for Lapid to come and spur you on, and now he’s guilty because he didn’t forcefully try to change your mind?

The truth is, if it wasn’t so sad, it could even be funny. It’s funny that now the spirit of reconciliation and acceptance is on everyone, who are calling to unite the people and blah blah. Where have you been until now after you broke up and destroyed? And how is it possible to unite if I, the common man, do not have a single voice that represents me in the current government. Unfortunately, the division in our society will only get worse from now on.

But we will try to hold on to the rest of the optimism in the hope of better days, in the hope that the next Prime Minister Netanyahu will run the country as efficiently as he ran his election campaign, and in the hope that people from the right will also come to Ofira and Barko’s studio, because I personally am tired of hearing the same personalities over and over again from the left or from the coalition. Well, we ran out.

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