What will happen to the body if you give up sugar for two weeks » News from Belarus – latest news for today

by time news

2023-10-18 12:49:30

Photo: freepik.com

Let’s be honest, many people love sweets. This can be pure sugar, or it can be in the form of sweets. But what will happen to the body if you don’t consume sugar for two weeks?

The Styler project, based on information from physiotherapist Vladimir Tkachenko on Instagram, tells how a two-week sugar abstinence will affect the body.

What happens to the body when you eat sugar

What exactly is sugar? It’s a carbohydrate. A simple carbohydrate consisting of monosaccharides and disaccharides. And buckwheat? This is also a carbohydrate, but a complex one – a polysaccharide.

Vladimir says that chocolate is a fast carbohydrate, from which the blood sugar level rises sharply, some of which goes into reserve and is deposited as excess weight.

“By the way, the energy level from such carbohydrates increases for a very short time,” Tkachenko noted.

But buckwheat is a complex carbohydrate and will give a moderate increase in blood sugar. And nothing unnecessary will be deposited in your body. That is, the difference is in the complexity of the connections.

And the same glycemic index – an indicator of the influence of carbohydrates on changes in blood glucose levels, allows us to understand what carbohydrates we consume and, accordingly, what effect we will get.

What happens to the body when you eat sugar

Let’s start with the fact that we have erythrocytes – red blood cells. They are red because of their iron content. The erythrocyte also contains hemoglobin, an iron-containing oxygen transport metalloprotein. Its function is to transport oxygen to tissues and carbon dioxide from there.

“So, there is a blood test for diabetes mellitus, which shows how much sugar is contained in hemoglobin and, accordingly, the blood sugar level or diabetes is determined on a certain scale,” Tkachenko noted.

The body works under the influence of sugar

The red blood cell should easily carry oxygen throughout the body, but when there is a lot of sugar on it, it becomes sticky and the blood, accordingly, sticks together. This becomes a risk for blood clots.

Also, blood narrowly passes through vessels, capillaries and enriches tissues with oxygen, and the absence of oxygen is an environment for pathogens, fungi, various inflammatory processes and problems with immunity.

“In general, you become less efficient, since any physical activity requires oxygen! By the way, tissues and nerves also die without oxygen. Diabetics will say that they feel a tingling sensation in their limbs,” noted the physiotherapist.

Vladimir also drew attention to the fact that there is such a thing as diabetic retinopathy. The retina of the eye is a neurological tissue that must receive oxygen through the vascular system. Glaucoma, cataracts – have you heard? This is also a consequence of sugar.

And the kidneys are many small filters that filter the blood, but with a large amount of sugar, damage occurs. But the kidneys still produce erythropoietin – age promotes the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

Therefore, by consuming a lot of sugar, it is impossible to produce enough red blood cells and this leads to anemia.

Quitting sugar for two weeks

And if you give up sugar for at least two weeks, your skin will look better, you will have energy, and you will feel much better. Your body will also be cleared of excess stress and your organs will begin to function better.

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