What will happen to the Cuauhtémoc 2024 elections after the annulment of the CDMX Electoral Court? Alessandra Rojo de la Vega announces that she will challenge

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Last Saturday, August 31, the Electoral Court of Mexico City (TECDMX) cancelled the elections in the mayor’s office Cuauhtémocwhere he would have won Alessandra Rojo de la Vega What will happen with the elections?

With two votes in favor and two votes against, with the casting vote of the judge Armando Ambrizsaid election was annulled and Alessandra Rojo de la Vega’s majority certificate was revoked.

This is under the argument of “political gender violence” committed against Caty Monreal by Alessandra Rojo de la Vega, who on several occasions attributed the political career of her adversary to her father. Ricardo Monreal.

With this resolution, residents of the mayor’s office are waiting to find out what will happen with the governorship, since at the moment neither Alessandra Rojo de la Vega nor Caty Monreal are considereds elected mayor in Cuauhtémoc.

Caty Monreal, daughter of Ricardo Monreal (Courtesy)

Alessandra Rojo de la Vega announces that she will challenge the annulment of the CDMX Electoral Court

The elected mayor Alessandra Rojo de la Vega confirmed that he will challenge the annulment of elections in the Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office by the CDMX Electoral Court before the Regional Chamber.

In a video shared on X, Alessandra Rojo de la Vega announced that she will challenge the TECDMX resolution before the Regional Chamber, who stressed “has already corrected the Electoral Court twice” and assured that “this will undoubtedly be the third time.”

Rojo de la Vega denounced the Judge Armando Ambriz of having a relationship of cronyism with Ricardo Monreal, father of former candidate Caty Monreal, and for being the one who decided to annul the elections in the capital district.

According to the elected mayor of Cuauhtémoc, the reason why the TECDMX annulled the election is that Alessandra Rojo de la Vega allegedly exercised political violence based on gender against the defeated candidate, Caty Monreal, by referring to her by her first and last name, as well as attributing her political career to her father, Ricardo Monreal.

“They even invented a new term: ‘‘familism’“That was the political violence I exercised. So many years of fighting as a feminist, of going out into the streets, of accompanying women, and I had never heard that term.”

What will happen to the Cuauhtémoc 2024 elections after the annulment of the CDMX Electoral Court? Alessandra Rojo de la Vega announces that she will challenge

Alessandra Rojo de la Vega, elected mayor of Cuauhtémoc (Daniel Augustus)

Who will govern in Cuauhtémoc? This will happen after the annulment of the CDMX Electoral Court

With the annulment of the elections in Cuauhtémoc by the CDMX Electoral Court, the next step will be, if applicable, that they are also annulled in the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF).

That is, if the Superior Chamber of the TEPJF does not reverse the decision of the CDMX Electoral Tribunal, There will be an extraordinary election in the Cuauhtémoc Mayor’s Office.

Likewise, in case that Alessandra Rojo de la Vega decide to challenge the allegations of “political gender violence”, The matter should be addressed by the TEPJF.

Until the annulment of the elections in Cuauhtémoc is resolved, neither Alessandra Rojo de la Vega nor Caty Monreal will occupy the position of elected mayor.

It will also remain The list of Councillors and Councillors based on the principle of proportional representation has been cancelled by the PAN, PRI, PRD coalition in the mayor’s office.

CDMX Electoral Court determines that Alessandra Rojo de la Vega incurred in political gender violence against Caty Monreal

The Electoral Court of CDMX determined in a session that Alessandra Rojo de la Vega incurred in conduct of gender-based violence against Caty Monreal.

It was argued that the former standard-bearer of the PAN, PRI and PRD, made comments of symbolic violence of invisibility and familism based on being the daughter of Ricardo Monreal.

Similarly, the Electoral Court of CDMX reported that Alessandra Rojo de la Vega used negative gender stereotypes and denied the individuality of Caty Monreal’s candidacy.

“Denying the individuality of the then Morena candidate for the Cuauhtémoc mayor’s office and with it the recognition of her political-electoral rights”

Electoral Court of Mexico City

Following the decision of the TECDMX, Caty Monreal celebrated the annulment and assured that this is a struggle of all women against political gender violence.

Days before this resolution was known, Alessandra Rojo de la Vega accused magistrates Armando Ambriz and Osiris Vázquez of having ties to the Monreal family and intervening to favor them in the election in Cuauhtémoc.

2024-09-02 07:52:50

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