What will happen to us? A new black hole has been discovered and it “eats the galaxy”

by time news

The black hole we all know is just one, out of countless black holes that have been discovered in the galaxy over the years. Now, Australian scientists have uncovered an alarming discovery of a new black hole 500 times larger than the one we knew located in the center of the Milky Way. If the black hole continues to grow, it seems that our planet is also in danger. Watch the report of the Australian news site Sky News:

According to a report by the science site Space.com the scientists claim that they have found such a large black hole that our entire solar system can be swallowed up inside. The lead researcher on the team of scientists, Dr Christopher Onken from the National University of Australia, explained that locating the black hole in question was like “a very large and unexpected needle in a haystack”.

The astronomers around the world have been searching for this kind of discovery for over 50 years. While they have exposed over the years some smaller black holes, this is one of the largest and most threatening. “We have no idea how this huge black hole managed to slip out of our sight without us noticing,” Dr. Onken said.

He says he and his team of researchers are currently working on trying to crack why and where this black hole came from. “Did something catastrophic happen in the galaxy? Or maybe two galaxies collided with each other?” The expert wondered.

If you’ve been scared enough of the menacing discovery, let us reassure you and tell you that researchers are almost certain they will not be able to find a larger black hole than this. Now, it remains only to crack how much it might affect the solar system in which we live, and whether our lives on Earth are really in danger.

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