What world do we want? Should economic needs and expansion prevail or peace and the rights of populations? – VP News – ‘no talking’

by time news

2023-05-27 19:36:09

IThe video I propose is by the war reporter Rangeloni. I believe that images and free and unprejudiced observation are worth more than any reasoning to show the perverse mechanism that dominates the current conflict in Ukraine, where we are witnessing a paradoxical situation: the major international powers are using this country as a battle to make one’s ambitions prevail, while the logos is set aside in favor of mere economic and expansion needs.

The Ukrainian conflict, which began in 2014 in the Donbass region, has seen opposing powers that do not seem to take any account of the will of the civilian populations to live in peace. In fact, too often the fighting takes place near inhabited centres, putting at risk the lives of countless women, men and children who find themselves having to live every day with the uncertainty of the future. Other times the killing of people and the destruction of civilian infrastructure is even targeted. Still, the will of the inhabitants of the disputed places should be a key element to be duly taken into account in order to achieve peace and stability in the region.

On the basis of international law, in fact, the protection of human rights and the dignity of people must be considered as the main objective to be pursued during armed conflicts. Furthermore, respecting the wishes of the civilian populations should be an essential aspect of the resolution of the conflicts themselves.

This dilemma has been analyzed by numerous philosophers, among which the French writer and thinker Albert Camus stands out. In his famous essay “The Plague”, Camus describes the moral difficulty of facing a destructive force, and the need to find a balance between respect for human dignity and the commitment to combat a given situation.

Furthermore, the American philosopher Martha Nussbaum has highlighted the importance of placing the emotions and feelings of the people involved in conflicts at the center of decision-making processes. Therefore, attention to and respect for their needs and desires can represent a valid basis for building a lasting and authentic peace.

Respecting the wishes of civilian populations should be a priority for any power involved in an armed conflict. Only in this way can a peaceful and lasting solution be found, which takes into account the needs and expectations of the people who experience the consequences of war on a daily basis.

The founding fathers of Europe, who moved in a historical phase characterized by the rubble of the Second World War, embraced a dream of peace and union among the European peoples. For them, Europe should have represented the culmination of a path of unity and solidarity, capable of overcoming old rivalries and divisions.

This idealistic vision of the 50s and 60s today seems to be far from reality. The Europe that presents itself today, in fact, is characterized by a very marked concentration on economic and monetary issues, and the conflicts between the various countries of the Union seem increasingly irreducible and insurmountable.

In this context, the economic aspects seem to prevail over the people’s expectations of progress. Borders are making a comeback, while the ideals of peace, partnership and openness are being drained of life. The migrant crisis, growing feelings of new divisions and problems of social justice are just some of the difficulties that today undermine the idea of ​​a united and ‘progressive’ Europe.

#world #economic #expansion #prevail #peace #rights #populations #News #talking

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