What you need to know if your job in Norway requires security clearance

by time news

If you’re moving to Norway in order to get a job in a sector which often deals with classified information – think security or government – chances are that you’ll need to get a security clearance and pass the necessary vetting process.

In this article, we’ll cover what security and access clearances entail, how classified information in Norway is categorised, how the authorisation process works, and what circumstances could negatively affect your clearance prospects.

The four levels of classified information

According to the Norwegian Security Act (The Security Act), information is classified if the country’s national security interests may be harmed if the information becomes known to unauthorised persons.

At the time of writing, per the Security Act, the following four levels of security classification are in force – listed from highest to lowest: (1) top-secret (if critical adverse consequences could result from an information leak), (2) serious (if a leak could lead to serious adverse consequences), (3) confidential (if adverse consequences could result from the information becoming available to unauthorised persons), and (4) restricted (if adverse consequences could result from a leak to some extent).

So, if you’re working in a job in Norway which requires you to have access to classified information, you will need to be authorised by the competent vetting authority.

The same applies if your job entails you having access to critical national objects and infrastructure.

Who needs to be authorised?

Security regulations in Norway state that persons who handle information with a “confidential” or higher classification must hold a valid security clearance.

This also applies to people with access to critical national objects and infrastructure.

A person may only be given a security clearance if there are no reasonable grounds for doubting their suitability in terms of security.

Clearance decisions are made by the competent Norwegian clearance authority.

Who is in charge of the vetting process, and what to expect

There are different vetting authorities for the military/security sector and the civil sector in Norway.

However, during the vetting process for both sectors, you’ll have a duty to provide complete information on any circumstances which may be relevant in the assessment of whether you’re suitable for getting a security clearance.

If you fail to respond to inquiries by the clearance authority or refuse to share pertinent information, the competent authority may decide to close the case without granting you clearance.

Also, if you need to get a high-level security clearance or access to objects or infrastructure classified as highly critical, the vetting process may also extend to persons associated with you.

Expect the vetting entity to review the information in their possession, information from relevant registers, and information from sources such as public authorities, places of service, workplaces, and other references.

What does the vetting authority look for?

In assessing your security suitability, the vetting authorities focus on your reliability, loyalty, and judgment in connection with processing classified information and access to critical national objects and infrastructure.

If there is any doubt about whether a person is suitable for security clearance, the clearance authority shall conduct a security interview with the person in question.

The following aspects of your biography and career are likely to be given particular attention during the vetting process and the potential security interview:

Espionage and terrorism connections: Any involvement in espionage, planning or committing acts of terrorism, sabotage, assassinations or similar acts, as well as attempts to engage in such activities, will be an obvious red flag.

Crime: The same goes for criminal acts or preparations for or inciting criminal acts.

Vulnerability to blackmailing: Expect the authorities to focus on circumstances which may cause you or your associates to be subjected to threats against their life, health, freedom or honour, such that you may be coerced into acting contrary to Norway’s national security interests.

Falsifying or omitting important information: Don’t hide any relevant information during the vetting process. Any falsification of facts, incorrect information, or omission of factual circumstances which are relevant to your security clearance can have a negative effect on the final outcome.

Addiction and intoxication abuse: The authorities will likely check whether you have a history of alcohol abuse or consumption of other intoxicants.

Illnesses: Remember to disclose any illness that may temporarily or permanently reduce reliability, loyalty, or judgment on medical grounds.

History of information/security breaches: Previous instances of compromising critical national information or breaching security provisions are, of course, glaring red flags.

Withholding information: Your refusal or failure to provide personal data will attract attention, so make sure to provide the authorities with what is requested. Also, failure to notify the authorisation authority of personal circumstances relevant to security is likely to become an issue.

Refusal to take a secrecy pledge: Any refusal to make a pledge of secrecy, a statement confirming a desire not to be bound by a pledge of secrecy, or refusal or failure to participate in a security interview goes against the very purpose of having a security clearance.

Financial vulnerability: Expect the authorities to inspect your financial circumstances to see if you might be tempted to act contrary to Norway’s national security interests.

Affiliation: Do you have any connections with organisations which have an unlawful purpose and which may threaten Norway’s democratic social order or which regard violence and terrorism as acceptable instruments? If so, you’re not likely to get clearance (obviously). Ties with other countries are also grounds for scrutiny.

Along with this (non-exhaustive) list, the process can also involve clarifying any other circumstances which may give reason to fear that you may act contrary to Norway’s national security interests.

You can find more information about the vetting process and security clearances in general on the webpage of the Norwegian National Security Authority, here. Further information can be found on the website of the Norwegian Civil Security Clearance Authority.

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