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2023-10-06 21:18:16

Las officially protected housing (VPO) They are those houses that are intended for people with low incomes. Normally, its concession is awarded through a public lottery. Likewise, the State offers officially protected housing for rent, purchase or rent with the option to buy. However, Can you rent a VPO? Are there requirements for this? How should it be rental contract for a subsidized apartment? We resolve doubts.

Renting a VPO home, is it possible?

Acquiring a protected home requires that a series of requirements be met, such as not exceeding an income threshold or that the house is intended to be the habitual property of the person who acquires it.

However, yes you can rent a VPO as long as the home has been converted into a free home, that is, it must have lost its protection (10 years is usually the minimum period in different regions). There are different causes that allow VPO to become free:

The duration is linked to the type of protection and the nature of the property, whether it is purchase, rental or rent with purchase option. The autonomous communities are in charge of defining these terms, which usually range between 10 and 30 years.

It is the most common procedure. In this case, the owner can request the voluntary disqualification of the home, which may be granted as long as no harm is caused to third parties, the legal requirements are met and the required documentation is provided.

To do this, you must go to the body in charge of housing in the autonomous community. There they will be able to guide the interested party on what to do. It may be requested for the duration of the legal protection period established by the Housing Plan to which the property to be disqualified is covered.

The Administration can revoke VPO status if the necessary conditions for a home to be categorized as protected are not met. However, this situation is not common.

VPOs that can be rented without formalities

Certain officially protected housing (VPO), among which are Private Promotion and Public Protection Housing, have the possibility of being rented without the need to carry out additional procedures. This facility applies as long as said homes have not been beneficiaries of aid or subsidies, or if they have received them, once the deadlines established by the corresponding regulations have elapsed to be able to proceed with the rental.

This regulatory framework aims to prevent situations of speculation that could arise with properties intended to cover certain social needs. By establishing specific terms for leasing, the aim is to ensure that homes fulfill their social function before they can be rented. In many cases, for example, it is allowed rental of a VPO after 10 years since its acquisition.

It is essential to keep in mind that not all VPOs fall into this category that allows leasing without additional procedures. Only those that meet the aforementioned conditions and that are within the specified types of housing (Official Protection of Private Promotion and Housing with Public Protection) are susceptible to this type of rental. In this way, we seek to balance the availability of affordable housing with the need to avoid speculative practices and ensure compliance with the social objectives of these properties.

What conditions are there to rent a VPO?

So that a person can rent a subsidized apartment (VPO), must satisfy certain criteria and conditions. First, it is essential that it is a natural person, since these homes cannot be rented to legal entities.

He VPO rental price It is not comparable to other properties. It is determined by taking 5.5% of the maximum sales price, which produces a maximum annual income. This amount is then divided by twelve to obtain the monthly rent. It is important to note that this price may vary depending on the autonomous community, the location of the home, its characteristics and the level of protection assigned.

Rent a VPO before the deadline

There is a special circumstance that allows rent a subsidized home before the required period. This exception is when the owner needs to move. In such situations, it is essential that the owner of the property justify to the competent authorities the reasons for its transfer. Once presented and evaluated, the administration can grant a special permit that authorizes the rental of the VPO.

However, it is important to highlight that, even if this permission is obtained, the determination of the rental price does not fall on the owner or on bilateral agreements between the parties. The administration is the one who establishes and regulates the rental price in these cases, ensuring that the regulations are complied with and that the interests of both parties are protected.

Take a look at the officially protected housing for rent.

What should the rental contract for a VPO be like?

The rental contract for officially protected housing (VPO) has particular characteristics that differentiate it from a conventional rental contract. After signing the contract by both parties, it is essential to register or present this document to the relevant authorities for review. These will ensure that all the regulations associated with renting a VPO, such as the agreed rent and verification that the requirements stipulated for this purpose are met.

It is essential to note that if the amount established for the rent exceeds the legal limit allowed, the owner of the property may face significant financial penalties. Therefore, it is vital to ensure that all the terms and conditions of the contract comply with current regulations to avoid future complications.

Penalties for renting officially protected housing

There are different sanctions for those who rent a VPO illegally or without the release period or that established by the administration having passed. Although fines vary depending on the autonomous community, they are generally in the following ranges:

Light sanctions: From 150 to 1,500 eurosModerate sanctions: From 1,500 to 6,000 eurosSerious sanctions: From 6,000 to 60,000 euros

In Catalonia the fines applied for renting a VPO illegally are much higher, and can reach up to sanctions of up to 90,000 euros.


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