What’s behind the fence? Finding out the fate of ancient buildings in the center of Brest

by time news

As a rule, the latter have a shield of “historical and cultural value”, and it is their fate that causes particular concern (or hope) of the townspeople. Vecherka asked the head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the City Executive Committee Maxim SUTYAGIN to talk about the status of several such objects on Sovetskaya Street and its environs.

Buildings at the intersection of Sovetskaya and Dzerzhinsky streets have long been hidden behind fences and billboards. In the interwar period, they belonged to representatives of the Jewish community. So, in the house on the corner lived the families of three brothers at once – Gold, Shia and Motel. Now there are only ruins, which have already become an attraction in themselves – atmospheric graffiti appeared there, against which they make photo shoots for social networks. In 2019, the media reported that a three-star hotel should be built on this site. But from the new there four years later – only brands on advertising banners.

– We sold this object at auction, there is an investor who is now actively engaged in designing. As a first approximation, we got acquainted with the investor’s plans, but the project itself is not ready yet, we are waiting. On this site, two buildings are included in the list of historical and cultural values, so the project must also be coordinated with the Ministry of Culture. All this takes time. The investor has developed an action plan to prevent the destruction of buildings, coordinated it with the Ministry of Culture. The project has a supervisor. The work is underway, but, I repeat, we have not seen the project yet, – Maxim Mikhailovich explained.

Next to the mentioned houses there is another object with the status of historical and cultural value – the house at Sovetskaya, 102. Construction is already in full swing there, the customer of which is the Brest company Golden West. Last week, workers here began to work on the facade of the building, and it turned out that the old inscription “sklep zelaza” was preserved under the plaster. Efim Basin, an expert on the history of Brest, suggested that it was in this house that a hardware store was located. Its owner was Z. Liechtenstein. It remains to be hoped that this inscription will be preserved in memory of the contribution that the Jewish community made to the development of Brest. Moreover, the practice of conservation of such “signs” already exists both on Sovetskaya and neighboring streets.

A fragment of one of them – the even side of Ostrovsky Street – has recently also been located behind a construction fence. It will not be a surprise that the history of these houses is also directly connected with the Jewish Brest. House No. 8 belonged in the 1920s and 30s to Chaim Palevsky, and house No. 10 belonged to Eli-Peretz Zilberstrom. We ask the chief architect of Brest what to expect here.

– The design documentation for this site is not yet ready. Now they are working there to ensure emergency response at the facility. It also includes two buildings that are of historical and cultural value. In parallel, designing, consultations with the supervisor are carried out. It is still too early to talk about the purpose of these objects. Here much depends on the vision of the customer.

About the house of the late XIX century on the corner of the streets of September 17 and Dzerzhinsky “Vecherka” told not so long ago. He has an interesting history. The building in the style of late classicism was home to many prominent Brest families in the interwar years, there was a pharmacy and even a candy shop. But in recent years, it looks abandoned.

This house was sold at auction. Last year, a draft on it was ready, it passed all the necessary approvals and went for examination. It was planned to start construction and installation work there already this year,” Maxim Sutyagin said.

We couldn’t help but ask about the project to recreate the City Council on the corner of Svoboda Square, which caused a lot of noise last year. How realistic is this ambitious plan?

“Fortunately, the project of the City Duma building has already passed the state examination and received a positive conclusion. In the near future we are waiting for the start of construction and installation work. The investor has already paid the city for the property that is there. The object is symbolic and quite difficult to implement. We hope everything goes well.

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