When a fan can become a stalker: the key factors – time.news

by time news
Of Silvia Turin

Scientific study on a group of university students. Certain elements in celebrity fans were predictive of a higher likelihood of becoming a person who persecutes their idols

Not all musicians, actors or sports fans are the same. Some potentially will become stalker (persecutors), intended to harass their idols more or less insistent and intrusive (when not violent). In the era of extreme sharing, attachment to celebrities feeds on social media stories and finds a lot of information to draw on for cultivate obsessionas Maneskin also wrote in their latest album, with a song with an eloquent title, Mark Chapman, the man convicted of killing John Lennon in 1980.

I study

A study conducted on the American university population by a group of US researchers and just published in the scientific journal Plos One, tried to understand if there are predictive factorsis, among VIP fans, the most likely to become a stalker.
596 students completed a series of questionnaires, some of which had been developed in previous studies to measure people’s attitudes and behaviors. Among the factors initially speculated to be associated with celebrity stalking were thereanger, thrill-seeking, and different types of relational attachment. They haven’t really proved to be important.

The determining factors

Statistical analysis of the answers revealed the greater presence of other elements associated with a greater probability of becoming a stalker: having frequent visits thoughts about a favorite celebrity, feeling continually pushed to learn more on your idol, chase him insistently, threaten to hurt him and be prone… to boredom.
The analysis also showed that people were less likely to become stalkers when admiration was based entirely on the celebrity’s artistic skills.

March 3, 2023 (change March 3, 2023 | 5:48 pm)

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