When always having cold feet becomes a pathology – Health and Medicine

by time news

2024-01-13 02:50:34

Podiatrists warn that we must distinguish between a momentary cold and a sensation that persists and that could be signs of Raynaud’s disease.

It is one thing to have cold feet because it is winter and it is normal and another thing is to have this feeling constantly and that they never get warm.

It is important to know that always having cold feet could be an indication of a pathology known as Raynaud’s disease.

He Official College of Podiatrists of the Valencian Community insist on knowing this difference to be aware of this condition. According to Jorge Escoto, a member of the school’s board of directors, Raynaud’s disease is “a transient ischemic attack”; That is, the flow of blood that reaches the feet is stopped for a short period of time due to obstruction of the arteries, which generates a feeling of cold in the lower limbs.

For those who suffer from it, the symptoms become more evident with the cold “because the blood vessels constrict, narrow and they can see how their feet do not have their usual appearance, but are more whitish or bluish. Additionally, they may notice numbness in the area, alert.

Two risk factors that the pharmacist must take into account if caring for a person with these symptoms are smoking and being under stress. Furthermore, “any pathology that, at its base, already has a circulatory problem, as could be the case in diabetic people,” is another condition, as he explains. We must also focus on the elderly, as they are more prone to this disorder “due to the circulatory problems inherent to age,” he adds.

The impact of this pathology on people is more “discomfort due to continually having cold feet and a color that is not normal.” Now, he recognizes that “it could have a serious impact if it is a prolonged ischemia, due to the destruction of tissues” in the worst cases.

It must be emphasized that it is necessary for the patient to go to the podiatrist so that he can perform “an appropriate examination” and thereby confirm or rule out the diagnosis. Gema Suarez Mellado

#cold #feet #pathology #Health #Medicine

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