When can you do an inspection by the Treasury?

by time news

2023-07-10 18:25:57

Receiving a notification from the Treasury informing you that you are going to be inspected is a situation that every taxpayer wants to avoid. “Treasury inspections are intended to verify that taxpayers comply with current regulations,” explains TaxDown. In many cases, the procedure consists of determining if the taxes have been correctly settled, that is, if the appropriate amounts have been paid, although the Treasury can also investigate other issues of a formal nature, such as having filed a procedure after the deadline. With the Income campaign just finished, it is more likely that these types of inspections will be carried out and if you are self-employed you have even more ballots to be in the spotlight.

TaxDown collects the situations that most frequently give rise to a verification of the Income statement. Among them are:

Obtaining capital gains or losses that originate from the sale of real estate, shares, etc. Deductions for the acquisition of habitual residence, especially when part of the mortgage loan has been used for other purposes and is only deductible in a specific percentage .Income and expenses from the rental of homes. Exemptions for reinvestment in habitual residence.

In the case of the self-employed and companies, there are usually inspections when:

The VAT refund is requested in a considerable amount. The quarterly declarations do not agree with what is declared in the annual summaries. Subsidies have been received and it must be verified that they have been declared correctly. The intra-community NIF is requested, since before its granting certain points related to the business are usually verified. There is a discrepancy between the declarations presented and the data provided by third parties. There is an excessive amount of expenses or inconsistency between the declared benefits and the money and patrimony that the taxpayer has. Objective Estimation Regime (modules), the correct application of which is verified with some frequency. A new company is created with the same business as another that has been left inactive and that has debts with the Administration. Expenses and/or deductions of VAT related to vehicles, restaurants, travel, mobile phones, sumptuous expenses or of any type whose relief is limited or is done improperly with a certain habituality. The presentation of record books is requested to verify their accuracy and consistency with the declarations presented and with the invoices that reflect.

How to act before a tax inspection

Before an inspection, TaxDown recommends scrupulously complying with the deadlines indicated to denote goodwill and because failure to comply with them may constitute a tax offense and lead to the imposition of a penalty. In addition, it is also necessary to submit all the documentation requested and if you have any questions it is advisable to contact a professional.

#inspection #Treasury

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