When Demand goes against Supply or the streaming market will reach a dead end!!??

by time news

All certainty is uncertainty.

especially in the entertainment business sector many times Things that we didn’t think could happen. It always happens. for different reasons and results.
as well as the unbelievable things that will happen to Netflix But as of today it has already happened.

Netflix Considered as the big brother of the streaming platform industry. which must be called open to the market all over the world sweep success And the income has already been enormous.

Especially in the era of the Covid-19 epidemic that makes other businesses tremble but the opposite Instead, the streaming business grew exponentially. because it can respond to lifestyle behaviors in an era that requires limited travel avoiding entering the assembly area Change your lifestyle from entertainment outside the home. Let’s have fun through online platforms at home instead.

But today…..
When the Covid-19 situation seems to be improving in a better direction around the world It turns out that the situation of Netflix began to be a crisis instead

who would believe Netflix will arrive at the point where the number of members is negative or expand that The number of new members is less than the number of unsubscribers. Which just happened for the first time in 10 years!!!!

From having walked majestic and dignified On an almost unparalleled growth path today Netflix Instead, it faced serious problems that caused the company’s shares to plummet. 35% and the market value has disappeared 1.8 trillion baht

This may be one of the main reasons why Netflix itself had to lay off many executive-level employees. This includes cutting some content costs down. especially in the animation part Because when spreading the numbers in the cost of producing various content During the past year, it was found that Netflix spent more than $17 billion in investment, known as the second highest after Disney spent over $33 billion

Why the situation of covid Has it influenced the growth of the Netflix industry?

This equation is not difficult to solve. because when people’s behavior returns to normal means being able to live outside the home to the fullest Time to sit and watch the series or various content through streaming platforms is less

meanwhile Membership rates are reversed. That is, you have to pay more.

It is not surprising that consumers choose not to continue their membership. or less per member Or choose to continue only during the time with engaging content. Not a monopoly on being a true fan like before

including the advent of other streaming platforms who come to share many market share giving viewers more options

So not only big brother like Netflix faced with the problem of stocks falling but other platforms that almost took off the business model from the prototype I fell in a different seat.

whether Disney+ which fell by 9% Paramount+ dropped 14% while HBO Max of Warner Bros. Discovery fell 16%

The next question is In addition to the situation of COVID The reasons for the streaming market travel to the stumbling point Maybe it’s because we have too many providers of the same platform? how !!???

don’t have to look far Focus only on our home is enough.

Now, in addition to the various platforms must come to compete with each other in the market will also have to compete with those big channels who jumped down to open their own online platform into another Channel 3 have Ch3plus or even Channel One have an app OneD

What happens is that these channels don’t have to rely on other platforms. Because content must be reserved as exclusive on its own platform.

That means that platforms the more the lack of raw materials to attract the members Including not being able to rely on the marketing base from the regular fans of the big channels That will flow in because they will follow the content that each platform has the right to bring to streaming.

As of today, it may be time for each streaming platform. especially big brother like Netflix will have to revisit the role and own marketing plan To find a way to deal with the crisis that….

Demand opposite to Supply

before the path gets any more constricted!!!

Manager 360 Degree Weekend, Issue 30 April – 6 May 2022

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