When did humans start traveling on horses?

by time news

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Today, if you need to travel quickly from one country to another, you can use an airplane. If you have time, you can travel by ship for a few days and reach your destination. Locally, you can use vehicles like train, bus, car. But how did people travel in primitive times?

Humans initially relied on their feet to move from one place to another. Then they mounted the domesticated animals and began to travel. Horse is the most important animal used for such travel. A horse runs faster than any other animal. Goes a long way. Researchers have now revealed the answer to when humans first used these horses.

The researchers examined the bones of more than 200 ancient humans in museum collections in Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Evidence of horse travel has now been found in the bones of Bronze Age humans. These people lived about 5 thousand years ago.

Whether a man has ridden a horse can be known by the 6 marks on the bones like hip, thigh. These markings were found on the bones of people who lived 5,000 years ago. By this it is certain that men were already traveling on horses.

Prior to this research, researchers had discovered that humans used horses and drank horse milk. But this study is the first to provide evidence of travel using horses. This has changed history.

They used to ride horses. It should not be assumed that horses were used in battle. The researchers also said that no proof of this has been found so far.

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