When did the people of Vietnam defeat Qin Shi Huang’s army?

by time news

Summary of the Text:

The‍ text recounts the Vietnamese resistance against the Qin Dynasty ⁤of China‌ in 221 BC. It highlights the cunning tactics employed by the ⁣Vietnamese people to overcome the technologically superior Qin army.

Key Points:

Qin Shi Huang‘s Expansionist Policy: Qin Shi Huang, the founder of the Qin Dynasty, aimed to expand his ​territory to the north and south. He invaded the land of the‍ ancient Vietnamese people with a force of 500,000 soldiers.

Vietnamese Military Prowess: Despite facing a technologically inferior ⁢enemy, the Vietnamese‍ employed sophisticated tactics and guerrilla warfare to their advantage. They utilized the mountainous terrain to their benefit, conducting small-scale attacks at night and avoiding direct confrontations.

Resilience and Determination: The Vietnamese people displayed unwavering resilience and determination in their fight against the ​Qin Dynasty. They endured harsh conditions in the forest, risking their ‌lives to avoid capture.

Victory Against the ⁤Odds: Through meticulous planning and courageous actions, the Vietnamese forces defeated the ‍mighty Qin Dynasty, forcing them to retreat.⁣ This victory stands as⁣ a testament to the bravery and tactical prowess of the Vietnamese⁤ people.

Additional Information:

The text cites historical documents and mentions General Do Thu, who led the Qin invasion.
It also references ⁣the Great Wall of China⁢ and the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang.
* The article concludes by highlighting the significance of this victory ​in Vietnamese history.

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