When expressing yourself on the Internet puts you in jail

by time news

2023-09-15 10:55:48
© Particular

Pending the sentencing scheduled for September 16 in the case of Hisham Kassem, a prominent opposition politician and editor who has been arbitrarily detained since August 20 solely for peacefully exercising his right to freedom of expression, the director Amnesty International’s Research and Advocacy Director for the Middle East and North Africa, Philip Luther, said:

The prosecution of Hisham Kassem for simply posting critical messages on the Internet is a sign that the Egyptian authorities’ relentless campaign to silence the peaceful expression of criticism and punish dissent, including through the use of the criminal offense of defamation and other draconian legislation, continues in full force.”

“Criticizing the government and public representatives is a human right. “Hisham Kassem must be released immediately and unconditionally and all politically motivated criminal charges, including defamation, against him must be dropped.”

“Although recently released to a small number of dissidents who had been unjustly imprisoned for prolonged periods, the world should not be fooled. Egypt’s alarming human rights record is on display, and the new wave of arbitrary arrests and unfounded prosecutions of critical people is proof of this.”

Egyptian authorities must urgently end the endless cycle of arrests and prosecutions of critical individuals and stop using criminal defamation laws to silence dissent. “The states of the world must demand justice and freedom for those who dare to raise their voices.”

Hisham Kassem, 64, faces criminal defamation charges for criticizing a former minister online for alleged corruption. He is also charged with “insulting” and “annoying” the authorities for a post in which he explained his decision on August 20 not to post bail, pointing out that he was “more honorable than Abdel Fattah al Sisi and all of them.” his men.” If convicted, he faces up to three years in prison, according to his attorneys.

The authorities have also violated Hisham Kassema’s right to be tried in accordance with international standards, including adequate defense and a public hearing. His lawyers were denied access to the case file before the trial, and authorities banned diplomatic staff and the media from attending court hearings.
Hisham Kassem went on hunger strike between August 23 and September 12 to protest his unjust imprisonment.

In recent months, Hisham Kassem has openly criticized the authorities’ management of the economic crisis and the role of the armed forces. In June 2023 he played a key role in founding a coalition of liberal opposition parties and political figures.

Since the Presidential Pardons Committee was reactivated in May 2022, hundreds held for political reasons have been released, but arbitrary arrests continue at an alarming rate and even affect family members residing in Egypt of dissidents living abroad. In August, the parents of Egyptian journalist Ahmed Gamal Ziada and Egyptian-German activist Fagr al Adly were arrested for their children’s activism.

#expressing #Internet #puts #jail

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