when hormones kill desire

by time news

2023-12-22 11:00:00

Par Dr Catherine Solano

Posted 46 minutes ago

Pregnancy and childbirth are not always smooth sailing. Charlotte Paroielle/Le Figaro

SEXOLOGY – The period following birth is not always easy for couples’ sexuality. Particularly due to hormonal upheavals, in women, but also in men.

Dr Catherine Solano is a sexologist. Trained in health ethics, she consults in urology at the Cochin hospital in Paris. She is co-founder of Doctical, a telehealth platform that supports people affected by cancer with their intimate health. She is the author of numerous works, including The big book of puberty (Robert Laffont editions).

Pregnancy and childbirth are not always smooth sailing and the period following birth is not always easy for couples either, particularly when it comes to sexuality. Adrien and Amélie, both 33 years old, for example, did not have any sexual relations for almost two years after the birth of their little Marcel. While there can obviously be psychological explanations, or a gap between the partners, this does not seem to be the case for them. Besides, it didn’t really bother them. It wasn’t until their son turned one that they suddenly looked into each other’s eyes and…

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