The past October 1, 2024, Claudia Sheinbaum officially assumed the presidency of Mexico, when will his report be? 100 days of government in it CDMX Zócalo? We tell you.
In this first government report, Claudia Sheinbaum will account for the new social programs, as well as the achievements obtained in his first 100 days of government.
For this reason, the president extended the invitation to the Mexicans to attend the government report that will take place in the Plinth from Mexico City (CDMX).
When will Claudia Sheinbaum’s 100-day government report be in the Zócalo CDMX? Know the details
As he commented Claudia Sheinbaum In his morning conference on December 18 at the National Palace, the report of his 100 days in government will take place in the second week of January.
Specifically, President Claudia Sheinbaum reported that the appointment will be the Sunday, January 12, 2025 on the plate CDMX socket.
“I’m going to make a preview. January 12 is Sunday, right? I’m going to do the 100 days report here in the Zócalo and I cordially invite you,” Claudia Sheinbaum said in her conference.
Until the update of this note, only the date and place of his government report for his first 100 first days of government, well the time is still unknown in which the event will begin.
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Report on Claudia Sheinbaum’s 100 days of government in the Zócalo CDMX: Event adds to her 100 government commitments
Before Claudia Sheinbaumformer president Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) also offered a report from the Zócalo CDMX platform on the occasion of its first 100 days of government.
However, this is not the first time that Claudia Sheinbaum will lead a message from the Plaza de la Constitución, since the first time was on October 1 when she assumed the presidency of Mexico.
On that occasion, the president listed the 100 appointments that he will carry out throughout his administration and participated in the baton handover ceremony of the native peoples.