When is it and how to see the next full Moon?

by time news

The third full moon of the yearthe call ‘Worm Moon’, it can be seen setting in the west this Friday after shining in the sky all night. Of course, as long as the clouds allow it, since covered skies are expected in almost the entire Peninsula.

In addition, during this week, you can also see how venus and mars they gradually approach Saturn, which remains almost motionless in Capricorn.

The ‘Worm Moon’ is known as such because it represents the melting and return of these animals to the surface. This is how he explains it scientific disseminator Álex Riveirowhich also explains the origin of that name: “The full moon in March is called the ‘Worm Moon’ because, at this time of year, the ground softens and earthworms return to the surface.”

Lenten Moon

It is also called ‘Lent Moon’ because it is at this time of the year that precedes the Holy Week.

It usually coincides with the dates on which spring begins, which this year begins this Sunday, two days after the full Moon.

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Officially, the full Moon will occur at 8:17 a.m. The problem is that overcast skies are expected in almost the entire Peninsula and in the Canary Islands it will even rain, so it is likely that the full Moon will not even be seen except at intervals.

According to the British BBC’s ‘Science Focus’, this year’s ‘Worm Moon’ is to be found low “on the horizon, and briefly in the early morning sky, weather permitting.” “. And you can also search around 6:30 p.m.

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