When is the next holiday?

by time news

He Carnival extra-long weekend meant a rest appreciated by many Argentines, and while this Tuesday the 21st -the last of the two Holidays for this celebration-, there are already those who wonder When is the next holidaysomething for which we will have to wait a little over a month.

This day off will come March 24thwhen it is celebrated Day of Memory for Truth and Justicewhich this year falls Friday. The date was established by the last consummated coup in our country, as a way of exalting the democracy and remember at victims of that period traversed by the crimes against humanity.

March 24, Day of Memory for Truth and Justice, is a day of reflection that thousands of people and groups like the Mothers and Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo (in photo) take advantage of to march in favor of democracyignacio sanchez

The self-styled National Reorganization Process (1976-1983) occurred after the overthrow of the government of Isabel Martinez de Peron (democratically elected), and became a symbol of our national calendar. It is a day of reflection decreed as immovable holiday in which they usually take place demonstrations across the country in favor of democracy. In this sense, the particularity that occurs this year is that on December 10, when it will be 40 uninterrupted years of this system of government in our country, the new president of the Nation will take office.

As the March 24th it’s a National holiday, all the considerations of this type of holidays regarding the activity and the pay of those who must work on this day. This means that the rest It is mandatory and, therefore, managers who need to have their staff on this day, as well as on all days of this type, must pay them twice as much as a regular day.

In addition, since this year it falls on a Friday, a long weekend.

After Day of Memory for Truth and Justiceanother will arrive holiday which is also related to the years of the last de facto government in our country. It’s about April 2, Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day in the Malvinas Warin which the survivors are honored and the soldiers who died in that war of 1982 are remembered, which was carried out by the Military Junta in an attempt to promote its popularity, but which -by failing to achieve its objective of recovering the islands – ended up weakening it until the call to democratic elections of the following year.

Once both dates pass, at official calendar he will have 14 left holidaysdivided into immovable, portable y tourist bridges. Beyond this categorization, all of them are entitled to the benefits contemplated by law for work in this type of shift.

Los immovable holidays of 2023 after April 2 will be:

Meanwhile, the portable holidays will produce the following changes:

Lastly, regarding the holidays for tourist purposes, the decree establishes that there can be up to three dates of these characteristics. In 2023 these will be:


Conocé The Trust Project

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