When is there a doctor or a physiotherapist in the summer party? Then the cummenda and the sciure hit the jackpot!

by time news

## Translated Text with Improved Clarity‍ and Flow:

The most fashionable profession of the moment‍ is the doctor. it seems that ‌everyone has⁤ realized that it’s not the YouTuber or the showgirl who makes a difference, but the doctor friend.

Fashion, timeless traditions, bon‍ ton.⁤ Trends, tics,⁣ and eccentricities. Charm.​ The ⁢timeless Milanese spirit, which⁣ for ‍this ‍reason (often) is ahead of its time. Two points of view, even generational, on our beloved city. Lina Sotis and Michela Proietti tell all this, and more, in their new column that you can find every Sunday⁣ on milano.corriere.it. From the first episode, ⁤where they composed‍ a playful⁤ hymn to⁣ the new queen of Milan: the “Perennial,” to doubts about neck tattoos, to designer beaches or the right color ​for tanning.

But have ​you tried Roberto? Roberto ​is already with you? But listen, the only thing is to get cured​ by Roberto. This is the most repeated ​phrase of ​Tigullio. From Santa Margherita to Portofino, Roberto Guardincerri is ⁢the most famous​ physiotherapist: he’s the man everyone wants⁤ at the moment.⁢ Roberto​ uses his modern technique for 55 minutes, which makes you work hard but doesn’t tire. Everyone wants him, the old because he relaxes them and keeps them ​in shape, the⁤ young because he‌ makes them quick. Here is ‍the job‍ of the moment: the physiotherapist. In fact, ⁣Valeria Sirtori is very popular in Milan and will be taking a holiday ​with one of her favorite clients and her‌ friends: Claudia Shammah. (Lina Sotis).

The most fashionable profession ⁤of ⁢the ​moment is the doctor. almost everyone has realized that in the summer group it is not‍ the YouTuber or the showgirl ⁢who makes ⁤the difference but the doctor friend. ⁤For the cummenda, it ⁢is reassuring to⁢ have a cardiologist on holiday, ⁢for the ladies a pediatrician,⁣ who while treating the summer ear‍ infections⁤ of the little ones often also solves‌ the minor ailments of the mothers (in Milan, the general practitioner of the mothers is the⁤ pediatrician of the⁣ child). The husbands and the boys as soon‌ as ⁣they return from padel or assisted cycling ⁢ask⁤ for ⁣the physiotherapist: if he’s in the group, it’s bingo. After years of new and useless professions, ⁢the noblest has returned to the center of attention: the doctor. (Michela Proietti)

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