when it is “good” (HDL), when it is “bad” (LDL) and how to lower the values ​​- time.news

by time news

2023-09-25 07:58:09

by Elena Meli

Tuesday 26 September on newsstands for free with Corriere della Sera, a guide with 50 questions to clarify the most common doubts and misunderstandings

Woe betide you if you eat eggs, they increase cholesterol. And even if there is no equal threshold for everyone, having it high is a problem only from a certain age onwards. Two errors in three sentences: how many can recognize the right statement among the three previous ones? Perhaps not many and for this reason tomorrow, Tuesday 26 September, readers of the Corriere della Sera will be able to find the Cholesterol guide, everything you need to know, for free on newsstands: a precious opportunity to learn more about this cardiovascular risk factor, which still among the major causes of events such as heart attacks and strokes, but about which false myths, doubts and uncertainties still abound.

Good and bad

To clarify, Pasquale Perrone Filardi, professor of cardiology at the Federico II University of Naples and president of the Italian Society of Cardiology, answered 50 questions ranging from useful information for understanding what good and bad cholesterol are to indications for diet that helps keep dangerous LDL cholesterol levels under control, from opportunities to lower values ​​when they are too high to the importance of knowing your level of cardiovascular risk.

Liver and brain

It will thus be possible to discover what cholesterol is used for and how it is produced: this fatty organic substance is in fact fundamental for our organism, for example for the brain where as much as 25 percent of all the cholesterol in our body is found, and at point that much of what we find in circulation does not come from what we eat but is produced by the liver, which adapts the synthesis of this molecule based on the needs of the tissues so that it is never lacking.

Because too much is bad

Then, of course, there is also the other side of the coin: bad cholesterol, LDL, attaches to the arteries, thickens them and stiffens them and thus compromises good circulation, leading to atherosclerosis and plaques and thrombi which, when detached, can cause serious cardiovascular events. It is no coincidence that excess fat in the blood is considered responsible for approximately 55 percent of the overall risk of having a heart attack, therefore a large part of the guide is dedicated to understanding what the desirable cholesterol values ​​are and how to achieve them with lifestyle (see food advice below) or, if necessary, with drugs and/or supplements, giving indications on both to clarify, for example, what opportunities are offered by the many new medicines approved in recent years. years or when and how long anti-cholesterol nutraceuticals are needed. All information that can help you clarify your ideas before talking to your doctor about the results of your blood tests, to be more aware and better deal with changes in habits or any necessary therapies.

Gender differences

Added to this is a substantial section dedicated to dispelling the most common doubts on the topic of cholesterol, from the foods that should be reduced or eliminated to the reasons why LDL cholesterol rises in women after menopause and in general as they age (but not an inevitable fate), from the moment in which it is best to start measuring it to the frequency with which to undergo tests, up to the advice for knowing your level of cardiovascular risk in a simple way, with a small self-diagnosis. Because the right statement, of the three at the beginning of this article, is that there is no right cholesterol threshold for everyone because the values ​​within which to maintain vary depending on the individual cardiovascular risk. The other two sentences? Mark’s errors: too high cholesterol is bad even when we are young (the more years we spend with levels above the threshold, the worse) and eggs have been largely exonerated.

September 25, 2023 (changed September 25, 2023 | 07:57)

#good #HDL #bad #LDL #values #time.news

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