When the Facebook Marketplace guru sets out to furnish an apartment, miracles happen

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who will: Adi (38), Matan (38), Doron (4) and Ari (Shana) Berkowitz-Segal.
where: Rehov Gonen, the other side of Ayalon
seniority: 4 years
Meterage: 87 square meters

Adi, an interior designer and marketplace guru some of you may know as “segalit”, has created a family home that looks like hot coffee, in a good way. They purchased the ground floor apartment right before the corona and entered into a comprehensive renovation with a limited budget of 150 thousand NIS. Studio On was responsible for the interior design and when the corona came, the closings, the isolations as well as the stage of dressing up the house, Adi had to take responsibility for it and fell in love.

“When we got to the dressing stage, we really didn’t have any budget left, so I bought almost everything from Ali Express or from the marketplace, and there are quite a few things I found on the street and renovated. When I finished furnishing the house, the urge to scroll through the marketplace remained. I would bother the parents in kindergarten, the neighbors and my girlfriends in reality that hurt In my heart I didn’t need them for myself. When they completely drained me, I started posting the reality on my Instagram. Very quickly it picked up speed, the number of followers increased, and from random posts I started doing the “protective voice of the marketplace” flashes almost every day. From there it continued to content on Home design, DIY and planning inspirations of all kinds.”

the living room

“The sofa was built to a personal design by Studio On. I wanted it to be in a simple and clean Japanese style, made of a wooden frame, and on the sides there would be a place to place the laptop that we use to watch TV. I upholstered it in the shade of coffee that dominates the space, of course. I purchased the iconic Ames armchair from the Marketplace for NIS 1500 instead 5000 and this is one of my favorite realities in the house. I made the table myself, combining an IKEA laundry basket and a wooden surface I had, and I also made the pictures on the wall myself.”

(Photo: Noam Ron)

(Photo: Noam Ron)

(Photo: Noam Ron)

(Photo: Noam Ron)

(Photo: Noam Ron)

The dining area

“This is my favorite spot for morning coffee. It has great light from the east and a view of the whole house. It also consists of a mix of items. A pair of rattan chairs I bought and another vintage chair and an IKEA chair from the marketplace. The bench consists of a storage unit I had, and the leather cushion which I found on the street. On the way back from kindergarten with Doron, I caught it thrown out of the corner of my eye. I picked it up with me and it fit perfectly. I’ve always had a scanning gaze and a sharp eye, and I was able to optimize it to find unique pieces in busy spaces like the Internet or the street. It’s fun at the end I finally made it my occupation.”

(Photo: Noam Ron)

(Photo: Noam Ron)

The television island

“Because the living room faces the kitchen, I saw that I would have a problem with placing the TV. I realized that I needed to create a modular element that would serve as a bar table, as well as a storage unit and as a sideboard for the TV. A carpenter wanted a lot of money for this idea, so I went in the DIY direction. The island consists of all kinds of units Ikea that I put together. A desk top, kitchen cabinets left over from the kitchen we made, a shelving unit on the other side that also contains a niche for the TV itself. It came out at a really reasonable price and even though it’s from Ikea, it’s completely my design, and it’s one of the most active and significant corners in the house.”

(Photo: Noam Ron)

(Photo: Noam Ron)

Doron’s dollhouse

“I decided that there is no way that the fact that I have children at home will make it ugly for me. Children’s furniture and toys come in bright colors so I decided to create them myself, in my own style and that of the house. I made the dollhouse for Doron’s third birthday. I bought a dollhouse from the marketplace for NIS 100 which was in red and blue and I gave it a real makeover. I made various pieces of furniture that match the furniture in our house, and so even when it’s in the living room, it fits perfectly in my eyes, and Doron was blown away by it, which is the most important thing.”

(Photo: Noam Ron)

(Photo: Noam Ron)

(Photo: Noam Ron)

(Photo: Noam Ron)

The bathroom dresser

“I found the chest of drawers in the marketplace and it was in Jerusalem. I wanted something like this for a long time, so I immediately threw the so-called Bit on the seller, and when we started to coordinate the collection I realized that her sister is my neighbor in the building. It was all from heaven. She was not meant to be in the bath, of course, but I intended her For that, I dressed her in marble on which we sat in a sink. I’m completely in love with her and from now on I’m not moving into a house where I can’t bring her with me. Our paths have been intertwined forever.”

(Photo: Noam Ron)

(Photo: Noam Ron)


“Our bedroom follows the same design line, as does Doron and Ari’s bedroom. On the walls are all kinds of accessories that I made myself, drawing inspiration from Pinterest. I also created the back of our bed myself. I took the back of a shelving unit, wrapped it in rattan and attached it to the wall . It frames the bed together with the lamps above the Express. The dresser from the vintage series that Ikea brought out something like 10 years ago, has been with me ever since.”

(Photo: Noam Ron)

(Photo: Noam Ron)

(Photo: Noam Ron)

(Photo: Noam Ron)

(Photo: Noam Ron)

(Photo: Noam Ron)

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