When the fear of childbirth affects the experience of motherhood

by time news

Tocophobia is the name given to the fear of childbirth. It is important to clarify that feeling fear related to the moment of childbirth is normal and when it occurs in a mild or moderate way it is even an adaptive concern, since it allows us to take care of ourselves during this delicate period. Therefore, it is important to differentiate concerns about childbirth from a specific phobia of childbirth.

Anna Valentina Caprioli

  • Systemic-relational oriented therapist at Buencoco

The fear of giving birth is mainly related to the way in which the woman imagines the experience of pain during childbirth and the fear of being subjected to painful procedures by health personnel.

depressed girl

We can consider that it may be a phobia when the fear of pain or the fear of dying begin to feel like intolerable fears for the person. In this second case, fear of childbirth produces anxiety and fear that, if excessive, can lead women who suffer from it to develop strategies to avoid childbirth or even develop a phobic state. The estimated incidence of women suffering from tocophobia ranges between 2% and 15% and intense fear of childbirth represents 20% in first-time women.

What are the causes of tokophobia?

It is important to show that there is not a single cause that explains tocophobia, that is, fear of childbirth includes various factors and they can be a risk factor in some cases or a protective factor in others.

One variable to consider is the vital history of each woman, who is obviously unique. It is more likely that women with a thought pattern based on personal vulnerability, who perceive themselves as fragile and who lack the necessary resources to bring a baby into the world, can develop a childbirth phobia. Another factor that can influence is the level of trust or distrust in medical personnel. The support network can also play an important role in a woman’s feeling of being able to face childbirth.

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For example: many times the stories told by those who have experienced a painful birth can contribute to developing various fears of childbirth and believe that the pain of this is intolerable. The perception of pain is also another variable to take into account, this being subjective as it depends on cultural, cognitive-emotional, family and individual beliefs and thoughts.

In addition, there may be external factors that can influence the fear of childbirth, such as: perinatal mourningadverse experiences in childbirth, invasive obstetric interventions, a prolonged and difficult delivery, emergency caesarean sections due to placental abruption, a previous delivery experience where obstetric violence was experienced…

How to deal with the fear of childbirth?

As previously evidenced, the fear of childbirth is normal since it represents a moment of vulnerability. In most cases accepting fear can help you return to a calm situation.

woman from behind

Women can also try to distract themselves from these thoughts or Seek support from your partner, family and friends. When it comes to a phobia, it is very likely that these strategies will not be enough even if the person tries. In these cases it is important to seek psychological help to be able to explore, know and accept our emotions.

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