when the French Navy stands up with farmers

by time news

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Visiting the Agricultural Show, the Chief of Staff of the National Navy called on Wednesday for “agricultural and naval rearmament”. A first.

Par Geraldine Woessner

Sovereignty: when the French Navy stands up with farmers
Sovereignty: when the French Navy stands up with farmers © ANATOLII STEPANOV / FAO / AFP

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« Cike farmers, we are actors of sovereignty and security. Like them, the sailors look at the sky when they leave their homes, and know that the elements will have the last word…” And like the farmers, Admiral Pierre Vandier contemplates the future with concern: rarely has world food security been so threatened. In a period of upheavals seeing the multiplication of crises – health, military, climate – the Chief of Staff of the French Navy made, for the first time in history, a remarkable visit to the Salon de l’agriculture , at the invitation of Club Demeter, a powerful think tank exploring the strategic dimensions of the agricultural sector.

A particularly symbolic move, at a time when France, like the Euro…

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