When the Seine becomes a highway for Ikea parcels

by time news
Since Wednesday December 14, Ikea has been delivering to its Parisian customers by the Seine from its warehouse in Gennevilliers (Hauts-de-Seine). Ikea

DECRYPTION – Ikea is the first distributor to deliver to individuals by boat on the river that crosses Paris. He carries out the delivery from his warehouse in Gennevilliers.

The Parisian banks of the Seine are rediscovering their commercial vocation. Since Wednesday morning, Ikea has been transporting orders from its Parisian customers placed online from its Gennevilliers warehouse by boat.

3h30 to 4h of navigation are necessary to cross the few kilometers of the Seine which separate the warehouse from the Quai de Bercy, in the 12th arrondissement of Paris. The boat will unload its bulky cargo there every morning at dawn: 35 boxes of 18 m each, containing around fifteen orders of all sizes. The latter will continue their journey in an electric vehicle to the recipient’s home.

A dual objective

Franprix has been using river delivery for a long time to supply 300 of its stores in the Paris region. But Ikea is the first distributor to deliver by the Seine to individuals. For the Swedish distributor, this is a world first.

“We have been working on this project for several years.explains Emma Recco, Chief Strategy Officer…

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