when the trade ended, what the vikings were famous for began

by times news cr

2024-07-27 12:46:22

This is the beginning of a fascinating story about the legendary Scandinavian hero (and historical figure), the Viking Egil, and his encounter with the fierce Curses. As if it does not promise anything, but later the events unfold into a scenario worthy of an action movie.

Having come to plunder, Egils and his men are captured by the Curses and experience their brutal nature first hand: he is not killed only because it was… dark. For the readers’ attention – the most interesting passages from the lesser-known, but extremely valuable “Egil sagas”.


First of all, it should be explained that the Scandinavian sagas are folk creations, not chronicles or annals. People told various stories by word of mouth, reminiscent of the Viking times (8th-11th centuries), which were written down in the 13th century.

Researching the old Scandinavian literary and linguistic heritage, the current professor of the Western Norwegian University of Applied Sciences dr. In 2003, Ugnius Mikučionis published a scientific work, the purpose of which was to carefully select mentions of Curses in Scandinavian saga literature.

The scientist himself translated the Icelandic sagas and left us material worth its weight in gold: it turned out (proved by research) that no other Balti tribe was mentioned as often as the Curses.

“Egils saga, Eigla” has a special place when it comes to the Cursian commemorations. This saga belongs to the so-called Icelandic or kindred sagas. In it we find the longest story about the adventures of the Scandinavian Vikings in Curonian Spit. Not only that, it tells how the Scandinavians were captured by the Curses (it is true that this campaign did not end very successfully for the Curses)”, – the researcher wrote in the article “Relationships between the Curses and the Scandinavians in saga literature” published in the magazine “Liaudies kultura” in 2003.

Avoiding interpretations, the scientist emphasized: it is hardly possible to take everything told in the saga at face value. “However, it must not be forgotten that the Icelanders themselves in the 13th century, when “Egil’s Saga” (and most of the other sagas) were written down, probably believed that everything told in the sagas was the real truth”, – U. did not draw strict boundaries between myths and reality. Mikučionis. This circumstance gives it charm: you can immerse yourself in the adventure and decide for yourself: it could have been like that or not.

The entire “Egil saga” was translated from the old Icelandic language by Svetlana Steponaviečienė (first published in 1975, later in 2012). “In no other monument of the old Scandinavian literature was the Curonian Spit described in such detail and in such an interesting way as in “Egil’s saga,” the author said.

Homestead attack

Thus, the above-mentioned work (the article mainly quotes the translation of U. Mikučionis) describes the raiding expedition of the Scandinavian Vikings. Summer is mentioned, and Egilis of Norwegian origin, together with his comrade Torolvus, set sail in a long warship (so-called drakar) to the Curonian lands.

“One day they stopped at the mouth of some big river, although there was a big forest there. They disembarked there on the shore and were divided into groups of twelve people each. They went into the forest, and a village started nearby. There they robbed and killed people, and the inhabitants fled from them, and they met no resistance,” the piece reads.

The hero of the saga, Egils, together with twelve companions, found a homestead. “And when they got there, they slipped into the house, and no one saw them. They plundered whatever property was loose (that is, everything that could be taken). There were many houses there, and they stayed there for a long time. And when they went outside and from the homestead, a large group had gathered between them and the forest, and they attacked them. <...> The Curonians attacked them violently, mostly cutting them (apparently with spears) and shooting (apparently with arrows), but they did not start chopping,” U. Mikučionis translated.

Meanwhile, S. Steponavičienė presented a slightly different version: “The Curonians attacked them fiercely, mostly burying spears and arrows, but they kept at a distance so that Egil’s men could not reach them with swords.” By the way, historically, Curses did not use bows with arrows.

In the scientific work of U. Mikučionis, the further progress of the battle is described as follows: “The Curonians attacked them in a tight space, and some attacked them by cutting them with spears and swords through the fences, while others threw rags over their weapons. They were wounded, and then arrested and all tied up and taken to the farmhouse.” In this way, Egils ended up in Cursian captivity. It is written in the saga that the man who owned that homestead was powerful and rich.

“Then it was discussed what to do with them. Bond (the farmer) said he thought it would be best to kill them one by one. Bond’s son replied that it was already dark night and there would be no entertainment in torturing them. He suggested that we wait for the morning,” this part of the saga is very eloquent indeed.

It can be assumed that the Scandinavians depicted the Curses as the most bloodthirsty and cruel warriors who enjoyed the suffering of their enemies. Be that as it may, this image of the Curonians was supposed to instill fear.

Escape and loot

The Baltic Vikings drove the uninvited guests from Scandinavia into one house and tied them tightly, paying special attention to the squad leader Egil: the latter was tied to a pole by both his hands and feet. “Then the house was locked up tight, and the Curses went into the shed and ate and drank and were very merry,” the story continues.

It is not for nothing that people’s imaginations are mentioned in the sagas: in this one, it is said that Egils laid down a pole and pulled it until it came out of the floor. It is almost impossible to do it realistically, but it is necessary to give the hero of the nation exceptional powers. “Then the pillar fell, and Egil got free from it. He then untied his hands with his teeth, and when the hands were untied, he untied the shackles from his feet. Then he freed his comrades. And when they were all free, they began to look around the house, through which they could escape. The walls of the house were made of large logs, and at one end of the house there was a flat board partition. They broke through that partition in a rush,” thus the escape scene occurs.

The Vikings entered another room, and heard people’s voices under their feet. It turns out that the Curonians had captured the Danes last summer and kept them tied up in a pit. Egil’s men lowered the rope and pulled out the friends of fate. The Danes explained how to get out of the house that had become a prison. Men did it.

His comrades suggested running to the forest, but Egilis, who had just escaped from Curonian captivity, was not in the mood to return empty-handed. “If you know this house, then show us where we can steal some property,” said Egilis to the Dane named Akyu. The man named a large loft with weapons, and it was where Bond slept.

“Egil ran into the attic, grabbed the weapons there, because there was no shortage of them inside, and they killed all the people inside. They were all fully armed. The eye went to where the lid was on the floor and opened it. He said they had to go down there, into the room under the attic. They took the light and went down there. Bond’s treasures were there – fine jewels and lots of silver. The men took the porters and carried them outside.

Egil took one large chest under his arm and carried it under his arm; then they headed towards the forest,” the saga reads. In this place, the motif used to describe the Curonians is repeated again: the latter are not only described as cruel, but also very rich.

Egil’s Revenge

ran away Grabbed property. The story could end there, but it takes a completely unexpected turn. “When they entered the forest, Egil stopped and said, ‘This march is altogether poor and unfit for warriors. We stole Bond’s property without him knowing about it. We will never be involved in such shame. Let’s go back to the farmhouse now, and there they will find out what happened”, – now the Scandinavian felt the taste of blood in his mouth.

Everyone opposed his idea and preferred to pull him to the ship, but Egils placed the chest on the ground and ran to the farmhouse, which he set on fire. Not only that, but he barricaded the door of the room with the breakfasted Curses with trees and shoulders and prevented them from escaping. “He killed people both in and outside the door. And it was only a moment before the farmhouse burned to the ground. Everyone inside died, and Egils returned to the forest and found his fellow travelers there.

Then everyone goes to the ship together. Egils said that he wanted to keep the chest he was carrying for himself in advance (apparently it should be understood that they shared all the other loot together later). And it was really full of silver”, – this is the core of this story.

2024-07-27 12:46:22

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