When to get the third dose of vaccine after having Covid

by time news

Starting from January 10, even those who have recovered from Covid can receive the third dose of vaccine (booster) after 4 months from the diagnosis of infection and no longer after 5: this is what is established by the circular of the Ministry of Health of 24 December 2021.

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Starting from January 10, you will be able to receive the third dose of Covid vaccine at 4 months (120 days) and no more than 5 after the conclusion of the primary vaccination cycle. The decision was made in recent weeks by the Ministry of Health following the significant increase in infections, due to the more contagious variante Omicron, compared to which the booster dose of the vaccine has a high efficacy in protecting against severe forms of the disease and consequently from the risk of death. But what happens to those who are healed? According to the circular signed by the Director of Prevention of the Ministry, Gianni Rezza, on December 24th, even those who have passed the infection can receive the dose booster after 4 months with Pfizer The Modern. Let’s see why in detail.

When to take the third dose for those recovered from Covid: the Ministry circular

As stated in the circular dated 24 December 2021 signed by Gianni Rezza, Nicola Magrini (Aifa), Silvio Brusaferro (Iss) and Franco LOcatelli (Css), “in the light of the current evidence on the epidemiological impact related to the greater diffusion of variant B. 1.1.529 (Omicron) and on the efficacy of the booster dose in preventing symptomatic forms of Covid-19 supported by the aforementioned variant, in order to gradually extend the offer of the vaccine booster and in compliance with the principle of maximum precaution, it is represented that the administration of the booster dose in favor of the subjects for whom it is recommended, with the vaccines and relative dosages authorized, it will be possible after a minimum interval of at least four months (120 days) from the completion of the primary course or from thelast event (to be understood as the administration of the only / last dose or diagnosis of infection in case of subjects vaccinated before or after a SARS-CoV-2 infection, according to the relative indications) “. Therefore, go ahead for the administration of the third dose also for those recovered after 4 months and no longer after 5.

How to book the third dose of Covid vaccine

The booking procedures for the third dose of Covid vaccine vary from region to region. In some it is necessary to register on the dedicated portals or through Cup and pharmacies, while in others, such as Campania, the reservation is not necessary and you can go directly to one of the vaccination centers or hubs to receive the booster dose.

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