When (too) hot is bad: 9 things to know

by time news

2023-08-09 07:14:35

The mercury column rises again: temperatures of 36-38 degrees are forecast for the next few days in many areas of Italy. And with the return of the heat, the health concerns and the search for tricks to avoid the worst consequences of the heatwave.

Deaths from the heat: now the climate is a health crisis by Luca Fraioli 08 August 2023

“Heat waves can impair the body’s ability to regulate its core temperature,” he explains Alfredo Reder, expert on climate impacts in urban environments at the Euro-Mediterranean Center on climate change. “And loss of core temperature control is likely to trigger ailments of increasing severity: heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. But extreme heat can also worsen chronic conditions, such as cardiovascular, respiratory and cerebrovascular diseases. And climate change can make the air less healthy to breathe due to an increase in allergens and pollutants.

To orient yourself among the pitfalls of record temperatures and try to limit the damage, here it is a vademecum with the keywords of the hottest summer ever.

Heat stroke. One of the most serious risks of heat waves is heatstroke. It occurs when the body temperature rises rapidly to dangerous levels (usually over 40°C). This condition can cause irreversible damage to internal organs and even death if not treated promptly. Symptoms include mental confusion, nausea, dizziness, loss of consciousness, and seizures.

Dehydration. Excessive heat causes the body to sweat to cool it down. If you don’t drink enough water to compensate for this loss of fluids, dehydration can occur. This can lead to dry lips, skin and mouth, as well as headaches, fatigue and confusion.

Thermal stress. Prolonged exposure to heat can put stress on the body, especially the cardiovascular system. This can increase the risk of heart problems and strokes, especially in older people or people with pre-existing conditions.

Breathing problems. Hot air can worsen existing respiratory conditions, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. People with these conditions can experience breathing difficulties and worsening symptoms during heat waves.

Effects on blood vessels. High temperatures can cause blood vessels to dilate to try and cool the body. This can affect blood pressure and worsen the health condition of hypertensive patients.

Gastrointestinal problems. Exposure to heat can increase the risk of gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea and indigestion.

Mental and emotional effects. Heat waves can also affect mental well-being. Irritability, fatigue, and general discomfort can affect your mood and ability to focus.

Effects on sleep quality. High temperatures can make it difficult to rest, causing insomnia or sleep disturbances. This can make daytime tiredness and fatigue worse.

Three days. The direct effects of heat occur mainly on the same day of exposure to high temperatures and over the next three days. Subjects
#hot #bad

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