by time news

The idea is to fast for at least 12 hours, so that glycogen levels are low.
When training is done, our body does not use it as its main fuel and uses fats instead. By using fat as fuel, it causes a greater loss of body fat as well as better performance thanks to metabolic flexibility.

1.Loss of body fat.
3.Reduce stress.
4.Most active person.
5.Improves intestinal motility.

DISADVANTAGES The negative aspects must be taken into account when practicing sports on an empty stomach, especially if it is practiced daily and the intensity is not controlled.

1. Loss of muscle mass.
2.Weakens the function of the immune system.
3.Reduces the body’s ability to tolerate and absorb carbohydrates, break them down, store them in muscle, and transport them. If training is practiced on an empty stomach every day for a long time, the cortisol level will rise chronically and this could have a series of consequences for both health and, for example, body composition, because this hormone can inhibit the loss of body fat.

Here are some tips for training fasted If you want to train fasted:

1.Do a low to moderate intensity workout, such as brisk walking or slow jogging. It is recommended that the training does not exceed 60 minutes.
2. Having eaten a portion of carbohydrates at dinner the day before.
3.Don’t forget to hydrate. Despite not eating anything, hydration is essential to avoid cramps, among other symptoms. Trainers recommend an intensity of 65% of your maximum heart rate (HR).

If you don’t have a heart rate monitor, use this very easy formula to calculate your maximum heart rate:

HR max=220-age


If you were 29 years old, your maximum heart rate would be:

220-29 years = 191 bpm (beats per minute).

Low intensity exercise:

65% de 191 ppm = 124ppm


This information should never replace the opinion of a doctor. If in doubt, consult professionals.

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