where are we in France and abroad?

by time news
The national obligation in public transport was lifted on May 16 by Olivier Véran. TheVisualsYouNeed / stock.adobe.com

Faced with the resurgence of cases, the executive is sticking for the moment to the simple recommendation to citizens. But several of our neighbors have already returned to wearing a mask in transport.

More than 200,000 cases recorded in 24 hours, reappearance of white tents in front of pharmacies… No doubt, the Covid-19 epidemic is picking up again and the 7th wave is here. The obligation to wear a mask indoors fuels a debate that naturally comes back to the fore. At present, only the heads of health establishments and medico-social establishments are still free to impose it for people over the age of six.

SEE ALSO – Christian Estrosi announces the wearing of a compulsory mask in transport in Nice

Public transport at the heart of concerns

Faced with the resurgence of cases, the executive is sticking for the moment to a simple recommendation to citizens, as the new Minister of Health François Braun explained on Tuesday during the law commission at the National Assembly. The “crowded places“, such as public transport or the “transportation for holidays“, main sources at risk for the proliferation of the virus, have thus been the subject of a recommendation to wear a mask. SNCF CEO Jean-Pierre Farandou also came out in favor of a “strong recommendation».

But if no obligation is currently on the agenda, some mayors have already decided to go it alone in view of the latest figures published by Public Health France. This is the case of Christian Estrosi, who announced this morning on RTL to restore the wearing of a mask in the 2500 kilometers of the Nice public transport network. For him, the governmentwill have to come“, facing a seventh wave “which brings us to a high-risk return to school“. The national obligation in public transport was lifted on May 16 by Olivier Véran. The line of the executive is therefore clear for the moment, even if the decision of the mayor of Nice could encourage other movements and gradually force the government to come back to the question. Elsewhere in Europe, certain decisions have already been taken, always with a view to being one step ahead of the virus.

Watch out for our neighbors

Among our neighbors, vigilance seems to be in order. With the exception of the United Kingdom, – which stood out with a rapid easing of restrictions after the Downing Street controversies during the confinements -, almost all impose, as in France, the wearing of masks in health establishments. health: Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Austria are among them. As for public transport, these five countries have all opted for the wearing of a compulsory mask, which the French government refuses to do for the moment. In Italy, it is even compulsory to wear an FFP2 mask to use public transport, with the exception of the plane.

Wearing a mask on the plane is subject to many different rules depending on the country. For domestic flights, the rule is simple: it follows the regulations of the country in question on wearing a mask in public transport. However, this becomes slightly more complicated in the case of a flight connecting two different countries. Because despite the lifting of the wearing of a mask in transport by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) on May 16, several countries of the European Union maintain this obligation on their territory. This is the case for the countries mentioned above, but also for Greece, the Netherlands and even Malta. Thus, as Olivier Véran said in May, if you take a plane to a country where wearing a mask is still compulsory, the transport companies will be in charge of specifying the rules on board, namely imposing its wearing during the flight.

SEE ALSO – Covid-19: Professor Delfraissy welcomes the government’s decision not to make the mask compulsory again

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